The Pocklingtonian 2020/21 | Page 29



It has been a year like no other , but credit must go to the Fenwick-Smith House boys and the staff team for steering their way through the changing regulations – getting to grips with living with the Covid situation , periods of quarantine , and regular Covid testing . As a result of the pandemic situation , there hasn ’ t been anything like the usual number of trips and excursions during the year ; however , the boys have used the facilities on site , particularly the gym , sports hall , swimming pool and playing fields to keep themselves fit and entertained . One real highlight was the Wings for Life run . This year , Felix von Plotho was with us this from Germany . Felix is paraplegic and wheelchairbound , and the Wings for Life challenge is to raise awareness and support for people , and funding for further spinal cord research . Felix , Chris Sebastian , Thomas Brown , Mr Dare , Mr Loten and Mr Morris ran the event , with Mrs Dare supporting and taking socially distanced photos to respect the ruleof-six regulations in place at the time . It was a great event , with Felix clocking a very creditable 12km before being caught by the ‘ catcher car ’. The next event will be on the 8th May 2022 ; Felix will be taking part in Germany and we hope that many more will be able to join him virtually !
Although some students found ‘ home learning ’ via computer quite demotivating , most simply got on with the task in hand and made the most of the support on offer , both pastoral and academic . Their comments have summed up the year better than I could , so I hand over to them :
This term has been the most demanding with our GCSE assessments and Covid restrictions throughout the year . As a result of this , we have become very stressed and , at times , we have acted out of character . However , the staff members of Fenwick-Smith have been patient , understanding , and have supported us in various ways – whether it was topic-based or to help us cope with the stress . There is a great academic and social environment and I cannot imagine working as well as I have done , if I was studying from home . Lamek Abraha
There is a kind and helpful staff team , who will help us when we are struggling with our study and school life . Also , we have lots of chances to have boarding activities like BBQs or a trip to somewhere at the weekend . Sinan Li
Boarding in Fenwick-Smith House has truly enhanced my Pocklington experience . I have been able to have a much more personal relationship with the teachers and they have helped massively with my subjects . Thomas Dyson
When you board , you get to know your classmates and your teachers in a more relaxed environment , which makes the community here at Pock so incredibly welcoming . It is almost like a big extended family across all four boarding houses . Some students only stay for a term , but are still part of the boarding family after leaving . This makes the community-feel in Pock boarding that bit extra-special ! Thomas Brown
Boarding in Fenwick-Smith , over the past year , has been a thoroughly enjoyable experience and a time I will look back on in future years with very fond memories . Through the year , I have been lucky enough to develop friendships with students in other years and of different nationalities that I know will last way beyond my school life . I have particularly enjoyed our nights playing football in the sports hall or on the playing fields , where we ’ ve had many fun and competitive games ! Chris Sebastian
As I retire from teaching at Pocklington , after 35 enjoyable and rewarding years , probably the one thing I ’ ll miss the most is playing a small part in a positive boarding experience for the Fenwick- Smith boys . It is a particular privilege to have been both housemaster and assistant housemaster for senior boy boarders for a total of 19 years , in three instalments ! I ’ ll miss the atmosphere , camaraderie and being a ( hopefully ) strong role model – I work hard and play hard , and expect the boys to do the same ! I ’ ll also miss working with Patrick and Kim , exceptional colleagues who also ‘ go the extra mile ’.
Well – what a pleasure and a privilege it has been to work alongside Trevor ( TLo ) for the last 19 years in boarding ( ten as non-resident tutor and nine as boarding housemaster ). He has played much more than a small part in helping to create the friendly and supportive environment in which the boys live and study . He has touched many lives and his maths support sessions are legendary . So many pupils have benefitted over the years and Mr Loten deserves great recognition for all he has done and achieved in his 35 years at Pocklington School . We will miss him enormously , but he does still plan to come in to offer maths support sessions , for those who want them . We welcome Adam Lea , our head of Drama , as the new resident tutor and wish him well in his new role . He has already been a resident boarding tutor in a school in Korea , so he is well experienced and knows the boarding ropes ! He will be a valuable addition to the Fenwick-Smith team , and we look forward to him moving in , ready for the start of term .
I would also like to thank all Fenwick- Smith House staff members for all they do for the Fenwick-Smith boys . We have a great team here and Fenwick- Smith is a great house in which to live and work . We are looking forward to the year ahead and we are confident that we can continue to offer a high level of pastoral support , alongside plenty of encouragement and support with the academic side of things .
PM Dare