Group process of
Innovative group process
First collective meeting was to discuss the real purpose of the assignment and figure out how to manage this. First, we had to find an innovation and innovator. The idea was established by a sub-group of the pizza-guys. After a group session the group was split in two to find propositions for the two aspects, innovation and innovator. When the topic of Bitcoin was brought up, the sub-group got very enthusiastic about the idea and did some additional research. Watched videos and downloaded the paper of Nakamato. Because of the enthusiasm, the idea was already quickly communicated through our main communication system 'WhatsApp' towards the other sub-group. Without really debating the option, this appeared to be in the interest of every group member and seemed feasible for us to use and innovate this innovation, since it was still upcoming and from our search it appeared the concept is not yet accepted by many or embedded in the financial sector. Regulations were missing, the innovation was unstable and multiple disadvantages and critique was
found. Perfect!
We agreed to couple the
innovation and the innovator, but the search for an innovator was done individual and commu-nicated and decided over 'Whats-
App' the same week.
Finders keepers! The group members that first thought of the innovation and innovator were also the ones that elaborated the two topics individual before the second group meeting and informed the rest on the findings. Also the presentation in class was assigned to these two persons.
Second collective meeting was to discuss this innovation and try to figure out what its weaknesses were and how we could turn these weaknesses around: brainstor-ming! We used a whiteboard to
plot our ideas.
This worked quite efficiently, since everybody had chosen the task that suited best. One facilitator that managed the whiteboard. Two creative minds that were generating most of the ideas and at the same time two of us were using a laptop, trying to figure out what was already present and what not and found videos to inform about the topic
Pizza pizza!