The Perverse Playhouse - Event Evaluation The Perverse Playhouse - Event Evaluation | Page 13

T E A M R O L E S The event coordination phase of events is essentially the organisation of all the different elements right up until the set- up begins on ‘show day’ (Matthews, 2016). Enigma Events had an overall plan, consisting of on-going tasks, they was constantly reviewed and updated. Sections of the event (e.g. design, marketing, finance) were assigned to group members with the most experience in those areas. However, all members assisted one another on other sections. Team roles for set-up and the event were assigned before the event and volunteers were allocated between the four event managers. Each manager had a operational schedule which included set-up/clear-up tasks and event roles for themselves and other teams. During set-up/clear-up some tasks did not take as long as anticipated therefore some teams worked together to accomplish more. Although set up did not go entirely to plan, the four event managers regularly liaised throughout set-up and the event to solve any issues quickly and efficiently. 13