The Passion Newsletter, September Issue, 2019 2The Passion newletter September 2019 | Page 20

LEADERSHIP IN ROTARY. Leadership begins with attitude which we all have as Rotaractors basing on the positive friends, leaders, mentors that we all have. looking at the attitude Rotaractors have it will surely push you to look further into who they really are, not only do they have the attitude when it comes to service, but also when it comes to the youth leadership trainings that groom and mould them into professionals, possessing energetic and effective leadership. However, someone will ask, how do I become the best leader? • • Before I started out in Rotary I would always hear and see people support and vote those they say know how to speak, know how to interact with others and those that exhibit the highest level of confidence. But when I joined Rotary it was a different story. I was amazed to see to it that everyone in their different capacities is given the opportunity to stand out and develop their leadership skills and in the end they all become efficient leaders. As I became fonder of what Rotary is all about, I discovered something amongst these leaders and that’s the Attitude. Not the arrogant and disrespectful behaviour but the settled way of thinking and doing things. Most may say not everyone can become a leader but I believe, each and every one of us has a small seed within even when we look like followers and that’s leadership. You simply need to get this seed in the right environment for it to grow. The first thing that I will point out is letting that seed within you grow within your club, it all starts with small things like welcoming a guest with that you go on becoming someone better and outspoken. You do not have to wait for problems, the bad conditions of the club to boast your leadership. Act when you feel your actions will make a change in the club and the community as a whole. Change your attitude and your mind set towards things, look at things differently. In short, look at the world with a new eye. Be empathetic towards others. • Discover who you are as a person. Someone always tells me that we as people we shall never stop discovering who we truly are because our interests as humans keep on changing. Hence use the abilities that you have at the moment to serve humanity. • Serve others any chance that you get. Leadership and greatness begin with service. My mother always says, ‘’ the small things that you do are always noticed.” When you do what is right, you feel good about yourself and you develop a sense of pride and integrity. Once you join rotary your beliefs about life, your perception about how things should be done, how people should be treated and how the world should be made better all change completely. By the time you decide to move on to rotary there is a lot you have in store for the community out there. ROTARY CONNECTS THE WORLD. Nsubuga Denise (PRESIDENT ROTARACT CLUB OF UTAMU (2019/2020). Rotaract District 9211 District 9211 The Passion Bulletin 20