The Passion Newsletter, September Issue, 2019 2The Passion newletter September 2019 | Page 21
How far are you willing to go?
How often do you ask yourself
questions like, how far are you
willing to go, in your career,
personal commitments? How far are
you willing to go when life just feels
unfairly frustrating, overwhelmingly
successful or just dull. How far are
you will go to do what needs to be
done, when it needs to be done
or most importantly when nothing
really needs to be done.
“Don’t allow what you see to
impact what you believe.” –
DeVon Franklin Inspiration from
his youtube video; Breakthrough
is a Real ‘Superhero Movie, Also
producer of Breakthrough: based
on an inspirational true story of one
mother’s unfaltering love in the face
of impossible odds.
How far are you willing to think
outside the box to visualise just how
far you can go. It is all in your mind
and has always been the start line.
For; “If you can think it and visualise
it, then you can do it”. Don’t just
fantasize your life. Dream it and
then live it. But don’t imagine more
than you can do in one wave. Don’t
Do you ever sit down and ask create facades your mind can’t
yourself why things don’t work out, think you out of.
well God works miracles on his time,
not yours so all that complaining and Be the path you walk when you look
bickering won’t do you any good. ahead and ask yourself, “How far
You do what you can and patiently I’m I willing to go.”
wait for God to do the rest.
How do you approach work, conflict,
love and relationships, criticism,
success, failure? How do you
approach the unknown? What does
it take to be in a place you aspire
to be or get out of a place you are The thing is, life is really simple but
in but not of your own liking? What also totally complicated or should
does it take to do the unimaginable? I say the very construct on which
the spiritual and biological grand
Do you ever wake and imagine design was conceptualised is rather
exactly how you want to impact the intricately delicate. I wouldn’t know
day and then go ahead to do just where to start even if I wanted to
that until that minute just before you explain it.
roll onto your bed and drift off into
the dark of sleep?! Do you evaluate Sometimes you just need to take
your day while sited on your bed, one step at a time. Think 5 steps
right before you say grace?
ahead but make one at a time. It
all comes down to how far you are
Do you even say grace, ask for willing to go.
mercy, thank God for just about
anything, even the blink of the eye How impactful do you want to be at
you subconsciously make?!
your workplace? How inspirational
and reliable do you want to be to
Someone once asked me if I knew your family; “both the one you are
why people say bless you right born in and the one you build” to.
after someone sneezes. “You see Just how outgoing do you aspire
Pius, every time you sneeze, you to be as a Rotaractor or Rotarian.
momentarily miss a few breathes. At Sometimes you don’t need to be
that moment you are at the Lord’s part of a Club, pour out too much
mercy, more like in a realm between money or be a part of every Rotary
life and death for a few seconds, event to be an impact. Sometimes
and therefore you need God grace all you need to do is say a prayer
and blessing to stay in the realm of and God will put a smile on tenfold
the living.”
the number of people you prayed
for. How far are you willing to go?
Life is not a given but rather a divine You don’t need too much to do too
privilege bestowed upon us by God much. And never tell anybody that
good grace and mercy. So always you can’t do much. You certainly
remember to say grace.
can do something; it simply doesn’t
need to be a lot. But it can also be
a lot.
Rotaract Club of Kololo.
Proudly Sponsored by the Rotary
Club of Kololo.
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