Yup , it ’ s really happening !
16 -
May-June 2013
Yup , it ’ s really happening !
Ever seen a movie that was scary , serious , and funny all at the same time ? The scene in Acts 12 was one of those mixed-emotion moments : Peter was arrested and about to be killed so the Church met and prayed like crazy for him . Result ? An angel none-too-gently struck him on the side to wake him up as he was snoozing in jail . Peter ’ s chains fell off and the angel walked him straight out of prison . Finally Peter realized , “ this is really happening !”
He ran to Mary ’ s house and knocked on the door , but the servant girl was so excited that she forgot to open the door ! She ran inside where everyone was praying for Peter to get out of prison and told them Peter was out of prison and .... nobody believed her . Helloooo ! What were you praying for , everyone ? Finally Peter knocked so hard that they opened the door for him . Lol .
Acts 12:12-16 : When this had dawned on him , he went to the house of Mary the mother of John , also called Mark , where many people had gathered and were praying . Peter knocked at the outer entrance , and a servant named Rhoda came to answer the door . When she recognized Peter ’ s voice , she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it and exclaimed , “ Peter is at the door !” “ You ’ re out of your mind ,” they told her . When she kept insisting that it was so , they said , “ It must be his angel .” But Peter kept on knocking , and when they opened the door and saw him , they were astonished .
When you pray , expect that God will answer , because he always will . It might not be the answer you want or in the way that you expected , but God always answers are prayers .
Read the full story in Acts 12 .
You can read the Bible online at www . BibleGateway . com
All Bible verses are NIV , see page 2 for copyright notice .