May-June 2013 - 15
Why is Jesus so famous ?
While Napoleon was imprisoned on St . Helena , he said ,
“ Alexander , Caesar , Charlemagne and myself have founded great empires , but on what did those creations of our genius rest ? Upon force . But Jesus founded his on love . This very day millions would die for him . I have inspired multitudes with enthusiastic devotion : they would die for me . But to do it , I had to be present with the electric influence of my looks , my words , my voice . When I saw men and spoke to them I lit up the flame of devotion in their hearts . But Jesus Christ by some mysterious influence , even through the lapse of eighteen centuries , so draws the hearts of men towards him that thousands at a word would rush though fire and flood for him , not counting their lives dear to themselves .”
Jesus is the most influential person who ever lived or is alive now . In 1961 the Beatles , who were the most popular rock group in history , claimed that they were more famous than Jesus Christ . But in 1962 George Harrison joined … and sang the song “ My sweet Lord ” in 1966 .
Muhammad also has had a profound influence , but his lifestyle was completely different from that of Jesus . Muhammad ’ s teaching was militaristic from its early days . Muhammad taught that violence was wrong except for self-defense and for the cause of Islam .
Although many Muslim people today are peace-loving , Islam has always been , and in many parts of the world remains , a religion of force . Unfortunately , even some people who called themselves Christians , for instance the Crusaders , have killed people “ in the name of Jesus ”. But Jesus was never like that . His real followers follow him because of His love . Jesus died for everyone because He loves everyone . And how can a ‘ follower of Jesus ’ kill people ‘ in the name of Jesus ’?
1 John 4:8 : Whoever does not love does not know God , because God is love . 1 John 4:19 : We love because he first loved us . God made us in His image , and therefore we are naturally attracted to love .
Jesus is so famous and influential because of His love .
Sources : The Bible , ‘ But Don ’ t All Religions Lead To God ?’ by Michael Green , and World Book 2007 . All Bible verses are NIV , see page 2 for copyright notice .