The Online Essential Divorce Course Jan. 2014 Vol. 1, 2014 | Page 6
Coping with Stress
A divorce breakup is painful because it
represents the loss of not just the relationship - but also shared dreams and commitments. Romantic relationships begin on a
high note of excitement and hope for the
future. When these relationships fail, we
experience profound disappointment,
stress and grief.
A breakup or divorce launches us into uncharted territory. Everything is
disrupted: your routine and responsibilities, your home, your relationships
with extended family and friends and even your identity. Recovering from
it is difficult; however, it is important to know—and to keep reminding
yourself—that you can, and will, move on. However, healing does take
time, so please be patient with yourself.
Tips for grieving after breakup:
• Do not fight your feelings
• Talk about how you are feeling
• Remember: Moving on is the end goal
• Remind yourself: You still have a future
• Know the difference between a normal
reaction to a breakup and depression
Self-care tips:
•Nurture yourself daily
•Pay attention to your needs
•Stick to a routine
•Take a time out
•Explore new interests
This session gives you tools and techniques to overcome
the emotional peaks and troughs of your divorce process
for greater mental clarity, peace of mind and well-being.
You will learn effective and powerful techniques to
manage your stress, stay calm and think more clearly.
© Janet Murray 2013 All Rights Reserved Worldwide