THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 511

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Determined to find the Stone , he left for the Holy Land , but not before being excommunicated by Pope Gregory IX . In that same year died in childbirth the unfortunate Queen Isabella , giving birth to the future King Conrado IV , father later of the unfortunate Conradino . Knowing that Jean de Ibelín was in Cyprus , he took this island by storm with 800 Teutonic Knights and seized his sons , Bailan and Baldwin de Ibelín . Arrived at the Emperor ' s camp to parley , Frederick II requested him the return of the Stone and the Messenger of Genghis Khan , to which Jean de Ibelín replied that the Mongol had died years ago and that the Stone was in his castle in Beirut , in the Frank Palestine . Considering this , Frederick had the young Princes placed on the rack and threatened with torture if the Stone was not returned to him within a minimum time , to which the Lord of Beirut agreed unconditionally .
Once the Stone was obtained , he was able to know the root of the plot . This had had its origin in the Order of Knights Templar : the Grand Master had assured the Pope , and many pious Frankish Knights , that Frederick II planned an alliance with the Mongols to submit the World to his will ; the next step would be the destruction of the Catholic Church . This information , although not totally false , was malicious and mean-spirited , and it achieved the effect sought to prevent this pact from being finalized . But the plot had developed six years earlier and could no longer be fixed , after Genghis Khan ' s death .
Thus , defeated in what was the spiritual goal of his life , Frederick II landed in the Holy Land ready to take revenge as soon as he had the possibility . Paradoxically , that Emperor of the Christian Kings faced a general uprising of the Frankish Lords , fomented by the Templar and Hospital Orders , and instead he enjoyed the high esteem of the Arabs . For years , indeed , Frederick II corresponded with the Sultan of Egypt , Malikal-Kamil , who considered him " the greatest Prince of Christianity ” and “ a Saint ”. On that occasion he did not hesitate to give him the three holy cities , Jerusalem , Bethlehem , and Nazareth , which were in his power ; in 1229 the Jaffa treaty confirming such an assignment was signed , as long as the custody was in charge of the Teutonic Knights .
But Frederick II was not content to humiliate the Franks in this way : he wanted all of Syria to pass to the Teutonic Knights and employed as much resources as he had at hand to achieve it , among them the promise made to the Sultans of sharing the holy places with Mohammedans ; in fact , he allowed mosques to remain open in Jerusalem , just as in the other cities that he recovered . In Jerusalem he starred in the most irritating act to take the King ' s Crown , which was over the Holy Sepulcher , and crown himself by placing it on his head in the presence of the Great Master of the Teutonic Order Hermann von Salza and hundreds of German and Sicilian Knights .
Not satisfied with this , he went to Saint John of Acre , Bastion of the Templars , and occupied it with his troops . In the King ' s palace , which he seized for being sovereign of Jerusalem , he gave a great feast to which he invited numerous chiefs of the Saracen Army , during which he exhibited dozens of Christian prostitutes rescued from brothels belonging to the Templars . This initiative exposed the hypocrisy of the Frankish Knights , who on one side proclaimed chastity , and even practiced sodomy , and on the other exposed these baptized women to all sorts of temptations and sins . Such a stark reality impressed even the not too virtuous Saracens , and the Templars ' prestige fell lower than ever .
Of course , the Emperor sought with such denunciations that the Templars lost patience and offered him an excuse to battle them . And his tactic paid off because they tried to assassinate him and responded by attacking the House of the Templar and the Castle “ Chatel-Pélerin ”. And if they were not all exterminated by the wrath of Frederick II , who predictably would not be slow to call the Arabs to his aid , it was because he was stabbed in the back by knowing that his father-in-law Jean de Brienne was invading Sicily by mandate of Pope Gregory IX and that his son Henry II , King of Germany , betrayed him by supporting the Guelphs . That bad news forced him to return to Sicily where he , with far superior troops , defeated the Pope and forced him to lift his excommunication , then marching to Germany where he deposed Henry and replaced him by the child Conrado IV .
In the following years he had the Castle of the King of the World built by the Hyperborean Initiates and buried the Stone that you have now located Lupus .
But keep in mind that Frederick II was also a Tulku , something that everyone accepted in his time since the people never resigned themselves to his death and awaited " his return " for centuries . And where did the Ghibellines suppose the Emperor traveled ? Well , no less than to the Kingdom of Prester John , that ' s to say , to the Kingdom of Genghis Khan , the Great Emperor of Cathay , K ' Taagar or Agartha : the mythical Kingdom of Catigara , which was located “ in China ”.
In the time of Frederick II , the Great Khan was also the Great " Dog ", that is to say , the Lord of the Dog , the Guardian of the Sky Stone , the King of the Universal Empire " from the East ", as I mentioned several years ago , on the occasion of the Rudolph Hess flight to England . When Frederick II " departed ", after 1250 , and especially during the Interregnum , hundreds of troubadours and minstrels sang couplets in which the journey of the Emperor to the Kingdom of Prester John was