THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 510

The Mistery of Belicena Villca nothing but sand , was clearly distinguished a whitish glow that sprouted from the ground ; it was a clear night , with a moon that poured streams of silver light onto the sinuous surface of the desert ; however , and this was repeated many times by the sage of Shantung , arriving within a few steps away the light that came from the ground was a hundred times more intense than the moon , to such an extent that its blinding glare made it impossible to distinguish what or who produced it ; staggering he stopped next to the light source and only a few seconds later , when his eyes had gotten used to it , he could see that a perfect rectangular outline was silhouetted against the floor , where a heavy slab of stone had been moved ; the light came from that opening that led straight to a descending staircase whose steps were lost quickly out of sight deep within the Earth .
Despite the fantastic nature of the story , Genghis Khan accepted it without hesitation . because Sage Chiu Chuchi deserved his total trust and , mainly , because his mission had been successful : he brought with him a message from the Siddhas and he was accompanied , to interpret such a message before the Khan of the Mongols , by an inhabitant of Agartha . According to Chiu Chuchi , after descending into incredible depths through that desert trap , they arrived at a horizontal tunnel perfectly illuminated , and there they got into “ a carriage that traveled fast without wheels or horses ”, which took them in a few minutes to the “ City of Wo-Tang , The Lord of the War ", where " despite being underground it is possible to see the sky and the stars ”. In Agartha " the Lord of the War himself " received Chiu Chuchi to whom he said , “ I was waiting to deliver the magic formula that gives power over the peoples ”. Such a formula , Wo-Tang explained , was already known to Genghis Khan from the days of his Hyperborean Initiation . The novelty now consisted in that the formula “ had been endowed with a new light , more intense , so that it could be read even in the midst of the most impenetrable darkness ”.
In short : Wo-Tang gave Chiu Chuchi a Green Stone , similar to jade , in which were carved two parallel columns of thirteen signs for , Wo-Tang explained , both the Vigur language , which Genghis Khan spoke , as the language of the Great King of the West for whom the Stone was intended , came from an ancient sacred language called " H ", that is , eta . The stone , consisted only of the “ pactio verborum ” 67 since , by the mere reading by each of the Kings , the Mongolian and the Western , of the written formula , a metaphysical pact would be sealed , that involved neither the body nor the material goods but the Spirit of the Peoples and that engaged in the dispute the Lord of the War and his army of Angels . Such a pact was surely a thousand times more powerful and enduring than the weak and dubious alliances of men . In order to guard the Stone and ensure that the formula would be pronounced with the Ritual suitable , one of those strange inhabitants of Agartha , with features Mongolian but with reddish skin , he would accompany Chiu Chuchi to the camp by Genghis Khan .
In 1221 , when Genghis Khan spoke the thirteen words in the right order and at the right time , his part in the Tyr Strategy was definitely completed ; from there everything would depend on the White Races of the West : if they were pure enough they would not hesitate to follow a Universal Emperor of his lineage once he had pronounced the thirteen words , which were also thirteen Runes . Since a year ago , at the time when Chiu Chuchi returned from the Gobi desert , messengers from the Khan had departed to distant Sicily to advance to the German Emperor the future arrival of an Initiate , who would carry a message “ from another world ”. And for the next several years , between 1222 and 1228 , that envoy would be vainly awaited in the West , a fact that delayed more than once the Crusade that the German Emperor had to undertake to the Holy Land and that ultimately led to his excommunication .
What had happened to the messenger and the Stone ? For four years Federico II waited unsuccessfully for his arrival but the " Tartar " had been swallowed by the earth . The excellent Berber clairvoyants that the Emperor kept at his court in Palermo , told him many times that the envoy of the Khan " had been detained in the Holy Land ", but Frederick II refused to give credit to such omens , attributing them rather to the antipathy that the Franks woke up in the Saracens . However , he took advantage of his recent widowhood and in 1225 he married Isabella de Brienne , the daughter of Jean de Brienne , Frank King of Jerusalem . Elizabeth brought the Kingdom of Jerusalem as a dowry , but Frederick II was not so interested in that crown as in knowing where the Genghis Khan Stone was . Through his wife he was able to find out : his uncles , Jean and Philippe de Ibelin , encouraged by the papal legate , had seized the Messenger and his Message . But it was too late for the Tyr Strategy : Frederick II learned the truth only in 1227 , the year of Genghis Khan ' s death , and after threatening Isabella with repudiation .
67 Pactio verborum : agreed formula ; terms of the agreement .