THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 509

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Before 1220 Genghis Khan already knew that of the two Kings , the Frank and the German , it suited his plans to address the last of them . Such a convictionhe obtained by evaluating the information provided by one of his many esoteric confidants . But it is worth making a clarification here : while the life of Genghis Khan lasted three were the religions that surrounded him and to which he lent special attention : Nestorian Christianity , Persian Manichaeism , and fundamentally , Taoism 66 . The religion of Confucius he rejected for reactionary and in Buddhism he immediately recognized a system based on the Kâlachakra of Chang Shambhala , against which his Hyperborean instructors warned him early on .
It was a Manichean priest who informed him one day that “ beyond the Kingdom of the Franks , in the fiefdoms of the King of Aragón , who is in turn vassal of the German King , there is a powerful Manichean community whom the Angels have given in custody a Stone Vase that is not of this World ”. This news impressed Genghis Khan , as well as the knowledge that the troops of the King of the Franks , with the Pope ' s blessing , were dedicating themselves to exterminate those Manicheans of the West called “ Cathars ”, that is to say , “ pure ”. A whole " Manichean route ” allowed such novelties to reach Asia : from Languedoc to Italy , to the Cathar and Bogomil communities of Milan ; from there to Bulgaria , center of Bogomil Manichaeism ; and , from the Balkans , Bogomil missionaries and Paulicians carried the news as far as Armenia and Iran .
The Cathars held that the material world had been created by Jehovah Satan with the help of a court of Demons ; they believed in a true God who was Incognizable from the state of spiritual impurity that incarnation was ; they also believed in Christ Lux , whom they called Lucibel , and in the Paraklite or Holy Spirit , an absolutely transcendent agent to the material sphere . Consequently with these beliefs they rejected the Ancient Testament of the Bible , considering that it narrated the history of the creation of the world by Jehovah-Satan , an evil Demiurge , and in which it was not mentioned the true God at all ; of the New Testament they only accepted the Gospel of John and the Apocalypse . About the Church of Rome they thought it was " The Synagogue of Satan ", a refuge for the Demons and their servants in which not a ray of spiritual light shone .
Naturally , if believers in such a clear doctrine were condemned to death by the Pope , and repressed to annihilation by the troops of the Frank King , there was no doubt that the latter were , in turn , supporters of the Demiurge Jehovah Satan . But things did not " look " so clear from Mongolia ; indeed : it was suspicious that the Frankish King Philip Augustus participated personally in the Cathar massacre and , what was even more striking , that all of France had been called into question between 1200 and 1213 , by Innocent III due to the concubinage that the King had with a mistress . Which of the Kings , the German or the Frankish , was , at last , the ally mentioned by the Siddhas ?
Seeing the West darkened by the blackness of Kâly Yuga , Genghis Khan decided to send three ambassador messengers , to Innocent III , to Philip Augustus , and to Frederick II , with the mission of initiating diplomatic relations and whom he instructed to carry out discreet surveys aimed at establishing an alliance between the East and the West . He did this to buy time , while other envoys of his traveled to the " center of less intensity " to seek the long-awaited answers .
By 1220 , Genghis Khan already knew that the deal had to be concluded with the German king . But such a pact , which would not be political but spiritual and which would be held in several worlds at the same time , required greater certainties than the mere human conviction : in 1221 the Taoist sage Chiu Chuchi returned , after two years , from the expedition to the " center of less intensity ". In the Mongol camp , on the banks of the River Oro , the sage related to Genghis Khan his incredible adventure : he had been authorized by the Siddhas to visit the Kingdom of Agartha ; guided by some mysterious Mongol Initiates they penetrated hundreds of kilometers into the Gobi desert until reaching a completely desolate and barren place where it did not seem possible that there was any vestige of plant or animal life ; in that site , apparently in the middle of the desert , the monks decided to camp and , although it seemed a suicide , the Chinese sage did not dare to contradict them ; they remained there for several days , he lost count of the total , until one night when he was fast asleep , trying to replenish the strength that during the day the burning sun ruthlessly snatched him away , was abruptly awakened ; without coming out of his astonishment he was invited by the monks , who were accompanied by some terrible warriors emerged he did not imagine from where , to go with them into the desert in a certain direction ; but they did not walk much because very close to the camp , in a place that in those days he had observed many times and in which there could be
66 Manichaeism , which had managed to spread to China in the thirteenth century , was respected by Genghis Khan but not by his successors ,. who fought it fiercely until it disappeared ; in the same way , Taoism was later persecuted .