THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 508

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
His Blood Purity was so high that he was awarded a representation of the Sign of the Origin , the highest Hyperborean distinction of the XIII century after the Gral , which was entrusted to the Occitan Cathars . That ' s why when an Assembly of Mongol Chiefs and Kings met in 1206 at Karakorum , and chose him “ Khan ”, Temujin proudly displayed the sign that had given him the triumph over his enemies and allowed him to materialize the unity of his Race : that sign , which he wore in his ring and banner , was none other than the left-facing swastika , the same that seven hundred years later would be displayed in the most glorious deeds by another Hyperborean people , but this time of the White Race .
Genghis Khan was entrusted with a historic mission that he knew how to comply with in all its aspects , so that it is not possible to blame him for anything regarding the failure of the Tyr Strategy . On the contrary , this failure is due almost exclusively to the excellent counteroffensive unleashed in the West by the enemy forces , operating undercover in the Catholic Church . That historic mission consisted in founding a Great Mongol Kingdom in the East , encompassing completely North and Central Asia , simultaneously with the emergence of a Great White Kingdom in the West .
When the founding of these Kingdoms was accomplished , then the time would come to seal with a pact the creation of a Universal Empire in which the Mongols would be subordinate to a true King of the White World and where the yellow masses would reserve the right to advance to the West and the white Elites , less numerous but more culturally capable , would march to the East . There , in Mongolia , the Crown of the Earth , would flourish a Hyperborean civilization never seen since the days of Atlantis . These were , in short , the objectives proposed by the Tyr Strategy .
I will show you now , Lupus , how Genghis Khan carries out his part in the Tyr strategy . In 1206 he unites all the Mongol tribes and begins the conquest of China and , in 1215 , with the taking of Peking , he reaches the eastern limit of Asia . From then on , all that remains is to make contact with the " King of the West ". But who is this king ? How to recognize him if , towards the West , far from existing a unity you notice a confusing feudal organization ? I remind you , Lupus , that according to the Hyperborean Wisdom the effects of the Kâly Yuga do not have the same intensity in all geographical points ; on the contrary , there is a Route of the Kâly Yuga that spirals along the spherical surface of the Earth and over which the Kâly Yuga is " more intense " or more active . This area is orientable and , in the region we are considering , orientable " from East to West ", that is , the effects of the Kâly Yuga are more intense towards the West than towards the East : going East increases " spirituality " and going West increases the " materialism " proper to the Kâly Yuga . Attending to these principles is that the Tar Gate , in the Gobi Desert , is also called " Center of less intensity of the Kâly Yuga ".
In order to be situated in the dilemma of Genghis Khan it is necessary to consider that the “ King of the West ” should be “ Great ” by the power of the Spirit , as was also Temujin , and reflect on the difficulties of looking from the East of Asia to the West of the Occident . Genghis Khan , " to the West ", only " saw " spiritual darkness ... and Kingdoms . Many Kingdoms , but no " Great Kingdom ". The Kingdom of the Persians , which would soon fall , the Kingdom of the Byzantine Greeks , who barely resisted the Arab and Turkish siege : a very small and weak Kingdom , with Kings without Initiative who liked to call themselves “ Emperors ”. The Slav Kingdoms of the Russians and Poles , could not even dream of putting themselves at the head of the peoples of the West and , on the contrary , would be easy prey for the Golden Horde . For the same reason , Armenia , Georgia , Bulgaria , Hungary , etc . could be ruled out .
The Germanic Kingdoms of Europe remained , undoubtedly the strongest , but in them , according to the vision of Genghis Khan , the darkness was absolute . If the Great King was there , it would be necessary to distinguish him by his external qualities and for that he should have the appropriate information . With that purpose he made lead to his presence many travelers , merchants or religious , whom he interrogated harshly , with little result . But from their stories he could know that there were truly two great Christian Kingdoms , one Frankish and the other Roman-German . The Frankish Kingdom was precisely the one that , for a century , carried out this absurd war against the Arabs , during which they had occupied Syria and Palestine .
Genghis Khan thought then that he should address the Frankish King and the German King but there was still a doubt to be cleared : both Kings called themselves " Christians " and servants of a Great Priest called " Pope ", wouldn ' t this Pope be the true King of the World ? To form an opinion about Christianity and the Pope he sent for Nestorian priests from Armenia and some Orthodox Greeks who were slaves in Peking ; through them he learned the story of Jesus Christ and he knew that the Pope was not a warrior but a shepherd , that did not kill but commanded to kill , and that did not ride alongside his people during wars but remained all his life in safe and distant convents . And with a grimace of disgust Genghis Khan dismissed the Pope as a worthy spiritual authority with which he could deal .