THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 507

The Mistery of Belicena Villca insects , and suppose that the whole life of an example of Tulku , such as the Führer , You , or Rudolph Hess , is analogous to a lepidopteran butterfly . Let ' s suppose also that there is a set of twin larvae that , by a particular law of the Tulkus , remain in a dormant state of life while the butterfly develops its active life . And finally , suppose that the special laws of the Tulkus determine that when the butterfly dies , one of the larvae automatically returns to the process of metamorphosis and transforms into a chrysalis , generating a new active life and a new reality . Of course , because larval life is latent life , and the active life , of butterflies and Tulkus , is real life : the reality of life therefore corresponds to the butterflies-Tulkus ; Tulkus-larvae live in a plane of existence not real , but possible : such existence is not of the same degree than that shown by butterflies-Tulkus . Only if one butterfly- Tulku dies , or if there is a Tulku law that requires the existence of two or more butterflies-Tulkus , a larva-Tulku will transform into real . But , my dear Lupus , who knows the laws of the Tulkus ? Who knows how many Tulkus-men can exist in the larval stage ? An ordinary man can take a single decision to make in a given time and space : if there are two alternatives . he must say without a doubt " I ' m going to do this " or " I ' m going to do that ”. The Tulku , on the contrary , can choose to do both possibilities , although for this he needs , logically , to dispose of two simultaneous realities . The Tulku can , for example , say “ I ' m going to stay in Berlin , and I will die there if the Third Reich loses the war ” and also say “ I will retire to the Antarctic Oases , together with the Elite of the SS , to prepare the Final Battle against the Universal Synarchy ”, and fulfill both statements . For an ordinary person it would be impossible to carry out the two sentences , but for a Führertulku this is perfectly possible .
Naturally , Lupus , that the two or three realities of the Tulku will only have to coincide in the Tulku himself , in the context that gives him significance and that he signifies . Outside the Tulku , the realities of the living Tulkus may not coincide , Time contract or expand , things dislocate , History contradict itself . What is in the reality of a living Tulku , that is , an example , of a real Tulku , of a butterfly-Tulku , beyond the Tulku , may not be in the reality of another real Tulku but different from the first ; or , conversely , it may well be in his context . I clarify this to warn you that , from now on , the adherents of the Hyperborean Wisdom must define to which reality they refer : if to the reality of the Führer dead in the Chancellery-bunker of Berlin or to the reality of the Führer alive , always young in his Magic Refuge , where he awaits the historical times of the Final battle . And I anticipate you that from now on those who choose to live in the first reality , will be considered traitors , no matter how much they proclaim themselves " National Socialists " or " Nazis ". With eyes gleaming , Konrad Tarstein paused for a second to pour more tea . – Rudolph Hess …? – Yes , Rudolph Hess is also a Tulku and that is why he is now together with the Führer , in the Secret Refuge : he is as you know him ; he has not changed a thing . And because he is a Tulku , he can be with the Führer and , moreover , be prisoner of the English .
But let ' s leave the Tulkus for the moment and return to the Stone of Genghis Khan . I told you before that it is worth knowing the story in detail . You have found it and you deserve better than anyone to know that story , although this is not the best occasion to relate it . Either way I will summarize it for you ; pay attention :
In Mongolia , in the Gobi desert , there is a place that the Hyperborean Wisdom calls " The Tar Gate ", which communicates directly with the Kingdom of Agartha . In the time of Genghis Khan and Frederick II , the Loyal Siddhas had approved a plan of the Hyperborean Initiates , known as the Tyr Strategy , destined to found the Universal Empire on Earth : the Chosen One in the East for that was Prince Temujin , who received the Hyperborean Initiation as a young man by part of some Siddhas coming from the Tar Gate . Remember that the Father of Temujin , Yesügei , had been poisoned by the Tartars when the young Prince was only 9 years old and that , from then until his adulthood , he lived miserably with his mother and his brothers in the desert lands of the Upper Onon . Like all the Great Chosen in History , it is during that period that the Siddhas instruct and initiate him .
According to local tradition the Great Ancestors of the Mongols were the Gray Wolf and the Tawny Roe Deer , which means that their Ancestors were not humans , or what is the same , that they were Gods . In the sacred cavern of Erkene Qon , the Gray Wolf married the Roe , that came from the vicinities of Lake Baikal . Subsequently , the original couple moved to the sacred mountain Burgan Qaldun , the current Kentei , former abode of Kök Kev , God of Infinity .
If their great Ancestors were Gods , their close relatives were not less powerful : his grandfather was Kabul Khan ( 69 ), the first organizer of the Mongolian tribes and military conqueror ; and his father , Yesügei , had taken the nickname of Ba ' atur , that is to say , " the Valiant ". His mother Hö ' elün brought him to the world in " the year of the pig " of 1167 , that is to say that he was 27 years older than Frederick II , born in 1194 .