THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 506

The Mistery of Belicena Villca to dissolve the Templars between 1307 and 1314 as Frederick II should have liquidated them , willingly , in 1227 . And do you know why this wasn ' t achieved ? Well , because this Stone that you have brought was lost for seven key years , from 1221 to 1228 . In truth , it was not lost but was lost , with the purpose of the failure of the imperial plans . Oh , Lupus : if this Stone had arrived in time at the hands of Emperor Frederick II , perhaps my own family , the House of Tharsis , would not have been exterminated in 1268 !
I , naturally neffe , understood very little of all this . Just now , after reading Belicena Villca ' s Letter , Tarstein ' s words acquire their true and dramatic meaning . At the time , Konrad Tarstein must have noticed the bewilderment on my face as he tried to clarify with other words the sense of that incredible Relic . – Do you remember the story of Emperor Frederick II Hohenstaufen ? --he asked energetically . – Yes . That is to say : I remember some prominent facts --I answered hesitantly . – Well then . This fact is very prominent . Do you remember what happened to his Crusader vow ? – Oh , yes ! --I stated , pleased that I was not totally ignorant-- . I think that Frederick II was crowned at Aachen , in 1214 , and there he made the fatal vow to Innocent III to undertake a Crusade to the Holy Land ; for various reasons , he didn ' t comply with this promise until 1228 , which cost him countless complications with the Popes , which led to excommunications and wars .
– The dates are correct , Lupus . What you do not know exactly , because it has remained a secret until now and was only the domain of certain Secret Societies , is the real reason why Frederick II delayed his trip to Palestine . And that reason is this : the Stone of Genghis Khan . Frederick II awaited since 1221 the arrival of a Mongol Initiate who would be the bearer of a written pact between the Emperor of the East and the Emperor of the West : such Initiate never arrived in Sicily and the reason was that he was assassinated in Frankish Syria by order of the Catholic Druids . When Frederick II finally decided to travel to the Middle East , he did it for the purpose of rescuing the Stone of Genghis Khan , which was in the power of the Lord of Beirut . But it was already too late to consummate the metaphysical pact , to submit the Order of the World to the Universal Empire : Genghis Khan had died in 1227 and his successors , who were not Initiates , fell quickly into the hands of the Priests of the White Fraternity .
It is worth knowing the story in all its details , because now , 700 years later , the possibility of erecting the Universal Empire has once again arisen . And as then , the real fight takes place in the plane of the Great Initiates and the High Doctrines : the Universal Empire against the Universal Synarchy ; the Hyperborean Wisdom against the Judaic Culture ; the Führer ' s pact with the Loyal Gods of Agartha against the pact of a handful of little men , Churchill , Roosvelt , Stalin , De Gaulle , etc ., with the Traitor Gods of Chang Shambhala . The enormous massacres of the fighting masses are impressive but are unimportant , always unimportant , in the face of the confrontation of the Initiates and the Gods . This Stone , which you have found in the Castle of Frederick II , was the pact of the Emperors with the Gods of Agartha that was going to make possible the realization of the Universal Empire in the XIII century . Frederick II had it hidden by Hyperborean Initiates , experts in the Lithic Construction , with the rule that it was only to be found by the future Universal Emperor . This Stone , as you will understand , belongs to the Führer .
– Then I should have given it to him personally , when I went through the bunker a few hours ago , I reflected foolishly .
– No , Lupus ! This Stone will be delivered to the Führer in the Antarctic Oasis where he is now .
The Führer of the bunker , possibly by now , is dead . – I don ' t understand --I confessed , still knowing that my words would irritate Konrad Tarstein . – Well , you should understand ! – he claimed with predictable anger – After all you are also a Tulku ! The Tulkus , my dear Lupus , possess several bodies . And nobody knows how many or where . As they rightly told you in the Tibet , in the Third Reich there has been the strange phenomenon that there are many " reincarnated Gods "; many Tulkus , Kurt von Sübermann . The Führer is a Tulku and there is nothing strange that he dies in Berlin and simultaneously lives in Antarctica . To that Führer , powerful and strong as he was at the age of twenty-five or thirty , we will send him the Stone of the Blood Pact with Agartha . It was stronger than me and I had to inquire : – But was the Führer aware that he had that extraordinary faculty ? – You " Shivatulku ", do you know where your other , necessary , existences are taking place ? – Certainly not . – Well , there is the answer you are looking for . If you , then , are unable to answer , how do you want me to know the process of a Tulku ? I ' ll give you an idea though --he conceded-- . This is how I imagine the Tulkus process : a special case of metamorphosis . Let ' s establish an analogy relationship between Tulkus and Lepidopteran