THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 512

The Mistery of Belicena Villca narrated , and tears and lamentations were shed because both Kings had not finally " met ", a fact that would bring about the New Order of the Universal Empire : “ However , it was assured in the trovas , one day Frederick II , carrying his Stone of Venus , lapist exilis , would meet with Genghis Khan to found the Universal Empire ”.
Finally , I want to remind you that the aforementioned alliance between the Holy Roman Empire and the Mongol Empire was an open secret in the XIII century , although later the synarchic obscurantism concealed the truth of the facts . But it is enough to refer to the evidence to know that truth : as soon as in The West became known the death of Genghis Khan , and the position of his successor , Oegodeï , there was no other thought than creating another alliance , favorable this time to the synarchic plans . Behind this was , of course , the White Fraternity . In 1245 Pope Innocent IV , who had taken refuge in Lyon , the City of the Druids , fleeing from Frederick II , proclaimed a General Council with the object to excommunicate him and strip him of the imperial investiture : it was the famous Council of Lyon , a kind of " Basel Congress " of the time , that is , similar to the one held by the Rabbis in 1897 and that are mentioned in the " Protocols of the Elders of Zion ”, in which they discussed the fastest way to end with the House ofSwabia and implement the Universal Synarchy . Well , nobody associates the fact that at that Council , convened exclusively to deal with the subject of Frederick II , Pope Innocent IV proposed to send an embassy to the Mongol Emperor : from the Council of Lyon would emanate the directives followed by the Franciscan monk Giovanni da Pian di Carpíne and the friars Benedict of Poland and Stephen of Bohemia , who in 1246 would arrive in Mongolia after crossing Russia . And if the synarchic counter-alliance did not materialize then , it was because Oegodeï had died and Guyuk , his successor , was not at all convinced by the letters of the Pope , from whom he was warned by his grandfather Genghis Khan .
Later the Holy See would send Fray Ascelín with the same mission of convincing the Mongols of the benefits of the Synarchy and Saint Louis himself would send Knights to Mongolia , but only to request help against the Arabs : the representatives of Saint Louis were , among others , André de Longjumeau and the friar Guillaume de Rubrouck . These left in 1253 and reached Karakorum by the Black Sea Route , but they also failed because then Mongka Khan reigned , whom Sartac , greatgrandson of Genghis Khan and Nestorian Christian , had advised against the Pope of Rome .
Pope Nicholas IV , pressed by the Order of Preachers , sends to Baghdad the Dominican Ricold de Monte-Croix , who establishes a fruitful deal with the Mongols and succeeds in founding a Monastery in Marghah . As a product of this embassy arises the trip of the Turkish Bishop Raban Coma to Paris in representation of the Mongolian King of Persia , Argun . At the time reigned in France the grandson of Saint Louis , Philip the Fair , staunch Ghibelline and supporter of the Universal Empire , and that is why the alliance has a chance this time to prosper . However , despite maintaining a permanent diplomatic connection with Mongolia , Philip the Fair fails to complete the project due to the fall of Saint John of Acre in 1291 , at the hands of the Mamluks of Sultan Al-Achraf , that would bring the Templars to Europe . Philip the Fair wished to be Universal Emperor like Frederick II of Swabia , but that would only be possible if he finished with the power of the Templars and the Popes ; the terrible confrontations that he had with Boniface VIII and the very complex task of dismantling the infrastructure of the Order of the Knights Templar would keep him busy until his death . Maybe the historical opportunity of Frederick II was still present in the time of Philip the Fair , but this one lacked the material time to consolidate in Europe and join the spiritual forces of Asia .
In short , Lupus , all this proves that there was a great esoteric movement between Europe and Mongolia-China long before the publicized and folkloric adventures of the Venetian merchants Polo in the XIV century : their ' s was just a lucrative materialistic adventure , devoid of all transcendent content , and without a doubt because of that it is put in the first place . It has been tried by the usual obscurantist methods to ignore what does not want to be accepted as real , of denying or not answering the disturbing question of the military might of the Mongols : their tactical superiority , invariably devastating the medieval formations , is undeniable , but has caused a collective trauma to the Europeans . Where can the superiority of a Strategy come from if not from the Spirit , from a lucid Intelligence and a Courage without limits ? If the Mongols were the barbarians they are claimed to be they would never have passed the Urals . But of us they will also say that we were barbarians and that we ate human flesh ; or who knows what atrocities more . Do not forget that we have acted in a way similar to the Mongols of Genghis Khan , and against the same Enemy , and bearing the same banner : even our best tactic , blitzkrieg , is inspired by the fast and accurate movement of the Mongolian horde . Wait a minute , Lupus , I ' ll go get something I had prepared for You . The master class Tarstein had just given had made me forget the war , the imminent military defeat of the Third Reich , and even the black reality that I didn ' t know what I was going to do from then on , if I had to go die in the bunker , as heroically decided the Tibetan Legion , or if I was to flee