THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 513

The Mistery of Belicena Villca to an uncertain fate in a World without the Third Reich , that is , in a synarchic World . I didn ' t even want to consider this last possibility . Instead I sheltered the secret hope that the Initiates of the Black Order had decided to take me with them to the Führer ' s Antarctic Refuge : didn ' t I make enough merits to deserve such a distinction ? There was also Rudolph Hess there , my protector , but would he disapprove of my presence ? I did not understand completely the mysterious issue of the Tulkus and their ability to possess various bodies . I already told you , neffe , that I felt like a unique individual , a perception that did not vary until today , and then I did not see what problem there could be for another Tulku to join the Tulkus preparing for the Final Battle .
Before continuing with the account of what happened that day , the last that I was there , at 239 Gregorstrasse , I want you to notice that the information contributed by Tarstein on Frederick II clarifies enough the words of Belicena Villca written on the Nineteenth Day of her Letter : there it said “ the causes ( of the hostility of Frederick II towards the Golen Church ) were two : the positive reaction of the Inheritance of his Pure Blood thanks to the historical proximity of the Gral , concept that I will explain ; and the influence of certain Hyperborean Initiates that Frederick II himself had brought to his court in Palermo from afar countries of Asia and whose story I will not be able to stop to relate in this letter ”.
– You have brought today something very valuable for the Führer and the SS--began saying Tarstein when he returned , as he handed me a leather case with silver hardware and key lock-- and I ' ll reward you with something incomparably minor , but no less valuable to me . Take , Lupus , Kurt , my unpublished book " Secret History of the Thulegesellschaft ": in it is narrated the history of the last 630 years of the German branch of the House of Tharsis , and contains the evidence of its outstanding involvement in the founding of the Einherjar medieval Order , which would last several centuries and would give rise in the 20th century to the Thulegesellchaft , and then to the SS Black Order . I give it to you because I have consulted with the Siddhas and they have told me that you are predestined to know all the secrets of my Lineage : perhaps You will be given to know what even I have not been able to achieve , that is , to follow the millennial history of the House of Tharsis and discover the mission entrusted to it by its Great Ancestors .
I noticed that for Tarstein that release was very important , but I also understood that he was subtly saying goodbye to me , and that was what I feared . I was sorry for Tarstein ' s feelings but I had to clarify things . I took the book and ignored his speech .
– You speak as if we were never going to see each other again , but at the same time as if I was going to survive long enough to read this book --I said harshly .
Tarstein was not intimidated and decided to respond with irony to my insolence , but with similar harshness .
– Very clever , Lupus ! But it is that effectively we will not see each other again in this life , even though very soon we will meet in the Final Battle : this ambiguous is the Destiny of the Tulkus ! It was very difficult for me to communicate this to you , trust me , but I ' m glad you got to the point . Now I will tell you frankly what is the situation : you are still a SS officer and must carry out orders as everyone . And your orders are : flee Germany immediately and hide in the Argentine Republic , where your Sister lives . – No ! --I yelled , interrupting the directives-- . You can ' t do this to me . I have complied with everything that has been ordered to me so far , with all the loyalty and courage that I could , but these orders are excessive . I ' d rather die a thousand times than survive in a World dominated by Jews . It is not lack of courage , it is not disloyalty , it is disgust , Comrade Tarstein , simple repugnance and horror of living in a World without Honor , where our banners nowhere wave : since childhood in Egypt , when I joined the Hitler Youth , I have breathed without ceasing the Mystic of National Socialism ; nobody prepared us for this ! No , Comrade , we were not made to be defeated by the infernal forces and survive under their empire . A moment ago , I hoped that I would be allowed to be evacuated to the Refuge of the Führer-Tulku , as you call it ; but now you leave me frozen with your orders to hide in Argentina . I ' ve been SS official , I ' ve been Initiated , I have developed amazing faculties , but now I see that I have only been an instrument of Destiny , a toy of the Gods . And do you know why I feel this way ? Because , despite everything that I have been and have done , the truth is that I understand nothing , in the same way that I cannot see the Sign that I am myself and that you admire so much . And less do I understand this condemnation to survive the destruction of the Third Reich . I beg of you , Comrade Tarstein , if it is not possible to part with you to where the Führer is , ask me to die , grant me the authorization to die with Honor , or have me killed !
– See Kurt , you get difficult and I will have to interrupt the presentation of your orders to clarify some points . First , and foremost , I already warned you that , from now on , the adherents of the Hyperborean Wisdom will have to define which reality they refer to : whether to the reality of the dead Führer or to the reality of the living Führer . And I anticipated that those who choose to