THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 514

The Mistery of Belicena Villca live in the first reality would be considered traitors by the Black Order . You , my dear Kurt , in considering the case of survival in a World where the Third Reich has been defeated , are participating in the first reality . Of course , I will not make from this a syllogism and conclude that you are a traitor because I know you are not . Only that , in effect , " you don ' t understand the situation ", an accusation that , according to what you said , other people have already made . So I will clarify the situation so that you have no doubts : you are not going to stay in the World you imagine as a condemned man , but will act as a secret agent of the SS Black Order in an effectively Judaic World ; and will act like a representative of the living Führer , as his fifth column , as an SS Initiate infiltrated into enemy territory , nothing different from the missions you have complied with so far . Trust me , Kurt , Lupus , don ' t believe in the fall of the bunker and the suicide of the Führer ! It ' s the only way that you will be able to carry out your orders .
Second , and you must believe me , we would gladly take you to the Refuge of the Führer but the Siddhas affirm that you must comply with this last mission . As I told you years ago , you are not only important : you are a support of first grade for the Führer ' s Strategy . And the Strategy cannot afford to do without you in the place where you have to be just because you suffer from nausea and Judeophobia . What we ask of you is not impossible for you and I know that you will deliver : They need You here . And the Loyal Gods are the ones who decide who goes and who does not go to the Führer ' s Refuge : such a selection is totally beyond the will of the Initiates of the Black Order .
Third , you have erroneously presumed that I too will depart to the Führer ' s Refuge but I must repeat to you what I told you at the beginning : “ we will not meet again in this life ”. That does not mean that I am authorized to depart from here : like you , my orders assure that I must stay in this World , in this Eastern Berlin house that will never be found by the Russians , not even if they rake every house on the block . However , you should not come to see me , nor should you see no one else from the Waffen SS except your dear Comrade Oskar Feil . About Karl Von Grossen I will later tell you what the orders are . That ' s all , have you understood me Kurt ? If so , I will continue to explain your orders .
– Let ' s suppose that the years pass , and nothing happens , and I disobey and decide to come and see you --I interrupted .
– You don ' t understand Kurt ! You will never find this house ! Take the test when you exit , walk a few blocks in either direction , turn onto the block , do what you want and then go back to Gregorstrasse and try to find 239 : You will verify that it does not exist , You will find a different house , perhaps bombarded . If You have been able to get here , it is because I expected You , but when your Presence is not necessary for the Strategy You will never coincide with me and this house : such is the power of the absolute location that the beings consecrated to the Hyperborean Strategy possess ; they only coincide in space and time the beings whose coincidence is strategically significant ; And that is the reality of the beings that exist ; and the other created beings , even though they are related to each other in space and time , if they are not strategically significant they do not exist for the Spirit , they are Maya , Illusion . You as an Initiate should know . Perhaps have you forgotten that this is the War between the Spirit and the Powers of Matter ?
But I did not listen to reasons . Of course I understood that a Hyperborean Pontiff like Tarstein had the power to place himself in other dimensions of the illusory reality of Maya , including the house of the Thulegesellschaft , and that I would never find it if he did not want it to happen . But I insisted once more .
– What if I use the Daivas dogs ? If I trace you through the dimensions and I approach you , even if it is not at Gregorstrasse 239 ? Tarstein laughed . – You ' re really stubborn , Kurt . If you use the Daivas dogs , You will certainly find me . Likewise , if You make them fly to the Führer ' s Refuge , with security you will get there . But I don ' t want to exaggerate how any of us will take a similar attitude on your part . Accept it once and for all ! You are a military and You will continue to be one from now on , no one will discharge You from the SS ! And as a military , You must obey orders , orders that I will transmit to You now and that You will comply scrupulously ! Orders that if You do not comply will be causals for summary or Court of Honor ! If You appear by my side , or go to the Refuge of the Führer , You would be liable to the very summary penalty of execution , but , what is worse than death for an Initiate , You would be expelled from the
SS Black Order . I know what I ' m telling you is hard , but you must accept it and behave like a military , like a Wise
Warrior . Earlier You complained that the Third Reich did not instruct You to live under the Universal Synarchy . It ' s true . But if we have clarified You in something is in the difference between the Heart and the egoic Mind , that is , between the reason of the Heart and the reason of the Self ; between the