THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 101

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Aracena , a few kilometers from Villa de Turdes . The exact place would be that known , since ancient times , as “ Cave of Odiel ”, today called “ Gruta de las Maravillas ” ( Grotto of Marvels ), whose name obviously meant Cave of Odin or Cave of Wothan , but which was also called " Daedalus Cave " due to the deformation " Cueva D ' odal ": naturally , Daedalus , the Maze Builder , was another of the Names of Navutan . The entrance to Odiel ' s Cave was at ground level , on the top of a hill in Aracena . The plan was to build a Templar Castle that hid the Cave of Odiel : the entrance , since then , would only be accessible from inside the Castle . What would they want that for ? To reach the Secret Cavern of the Lords of Tharsis ; because , as Bera and Birsha believed , from the Cave of Odiel it would be possible to approach the Secret Cavern using certain techniques that they would put into practice upon their return from Chang Shambhala .
Nineteenth Day
Synthesizing , Dr . Siegnagel , it can be considered that upon reaching the thirteenth century , the Golen had ninety percent carried out the plans of the White Fraternity : the Benedictine-Golen Order and its derivations , Cluny , Cister and the Temple , were firmly established in Europe ; the College of Temple Builders had acquired , with the possession of the Tablets of the Law , the Highest Knowledge ; the guilds and brotherhoods of Masons , instructed by the Golen , were building hundreds of Gothic Temples , churches and cathedrals , in all the major cities of Europe and in certain places to which " telluric value " was awarded ; and the peoples , from the serfs and villains to the Lords , Nobles and Kings , lived in an Era of religious customs , sustained a Culture where God , and the Priests of God , intervened actively and on a daily basis ; that is to say , the peoples , who now experienced the religious unity , were prepared to receive the economic and political unity of a World Government , the Synarchy of the Chosen People ; the economic power of the Order of the Knights Templar was already consolidated ; and the army of the Church , which would ensure political unity , too . You see , Dr . Siegnagel , the plans of the White Fraternity were about to be realized : and yet they failed .
What happened ? The White Fraternity ' s Plans failed mainly because of two Kings , Frederick II Hohenstaufen , Holy Roman Emperor of the German Empire , and Philip IV the Fair , King of France . Both reigned in different countries and in different historical periods , and did not know each other : Frederick II in Sicily , from 1212 to 1250 , and Philip IV in France , from 1285 to 1314 . However , a hidden link explains and justifies the highly strategic acts deployed by these extraordinary monarchs : it is the opposition of the Hyperborean Wisdom .
So we have two exoteric causes of the failure of the enemy plans , the Kings mentioned , and an esoteric cause , the opposition of the Hyperborean Wisdom , of which those are nothing more than effects . I will examine , then , somewhat superficially the first two and I will concentrate on detailing the second ; it is convenient that I do so to expose the prominent role that the House of Tharsis played in such events . We will have to start , of course , by describing the circumstances that led to the coronation of Frederick II and the acts with which he destabilized the power of the papacy . Then I will stop to show the true causes of those acts , that is , the opposition of the Hyperborean Wisdom : it will be seen , thus , how the Lords of Tharsis developed their Strategy and how they were almost exterminated by the Golen in the middle of the XIII century . Finally I will get to the management of Philip IV , " the King who applied the Mortal Blow to the Financial Synarchy of the Templars ”. From there , Dr . Siegnagel , everything will be given so that the history of the House of Tharsis , which I am narrating for you , enters its final phase .
With the election of Pope Innocent III in 1198 , the Golen play one of their last and most important cards . That " pontiff ", indeed , enjoys an unparalleled prestige among the indocile Germanic nobility : the Kings submit to his discretion and his will is imposed without resistance in all areas . Furthermore ,