The Mistery of Belicena Villca they were granted property : from there , " they fought against the infidel ", according to the Rule of the Order . That fortress was located in Huesca , on the shores of the river Cinca , then Kingdom of Aragón : and towards there went Bera and Birsha , after the Council of Troyes , accompanied by an important entourage of Cistercian monks . The Immortals were going to hold a " Secret Golen Council " in which they would establish the directives for the next hundred years , date on which they would return to demand an account of what was done . In that Council , apart from the details of the Golen plan I have already described , the Immortals raised , on behalf of the White Fraternity , two issues that had to be resolved as soon as possible ; they were two Sentences of Extermination : one , against the House of Tharsis , still pending since ancient times ; the other , against the Cathars and Albigensians of the Aragonese Languedoc , was recent and had to be executed without delay .
About the House of Tharsis , the Immortals admitted that it was a difficult Case because the extermination could not be carried out without first having found the Stone of Venus , which they had hidden in a Secret Cavern . With the final purpose of getting the confession of the Key to find the secret entrance , Bera and Birsha , this time , decided to attack the family members who inhabited the nearby city of Zaragoza ; They were three people : the Bishop of Zaragosa , Lupo de Tharsis ; his widowed sister , now mature , who lived next to him in the Bishopric and was in charge of domestic affairs , Lamia de Tharsis ; and her son , a young fifteen-year-old novice named Rabaz . All three were kidnapped and taken to Monzón , where they were locked in a dungeon while the instruments of torture were being prepared . They started with the old man Lupo , who was savagely tormented without getting him to utter a word about the Secret Cavern ; finally , and although he had most of the bones broken , Lupo de Tharsis expired like the Lord that he was : laughing derisively in the face of the impotence of his murderers . With the woman and her child , the Golen used another tactic : considering that these would already be quite terrified by the cries of the Bishop , they prepared a convenient stage to extort young Rabaz by threatening to subject his mother to the same degrading torment that had cut off the life of Lupo de Tharsis .
So they spread Lamia on the torture table and began to stretch her limbs , drawing terrifying screams of pain from her . At that moment they brought in Rabaz , who came with his hands tied behind his back and escorted by two Cistercian Golen , who was frozen with fright when hearing Lamia ' s wailing and discover her tied to the mortal table : and seeing him paralyzed with horror , a triumphant smile spread across the Golen ' s faces , they already had the confession in advance . But what they did not count on , even then , was with the mystical madness of the Lords of Tharsis . Oh the madness of the Lords of Tharsis , who had made them unpredictable during hundreds of years of persecution , and manifested as the Absolute Courage of the Pure Blood , a Courage so high that it was inconceivable any weakness in front of the Enemy ! Without them being able to prevent it , young Rabaz , driven by a mystical madness , jumped twice and stood next to his mother , who was watching him with bright eyes ; and then , in a single bite , he shattered the left jugular vein , causing her a quick death by bleeding . Now the Golen did not laugh when they dragged Rabaz in anger ; and yet someone laughed : before she died , with the last breath that broke in a spasm of agonizing grace , Lamia managed an ironic laugh , whose echoes remained for several seconds reverberating in the meanders of that gloomy prison . And Rabaz , who had just murdered her and had the face covered in blood , smiled in relief to see that Lamia was no more .
No ; the Golen no longer laughed : rather they were pale with hatred . It was obvious that the Will of Rabaz could not be bent by any means , but not by that would they stop torturing him to death : they would , but only to discharge the resentment they felt towards the Lords of Tharsis .
Bera and Birsha achieved nothing with that massacre , and so they left the Cistercians a specific mission , to be fulfilled in the following years by the Order of the Knights Templar : the cost did not matter , even if it meant being in permanent fight against the Taifa of Seville , but a Castle had to be built in