The Mistery of Belicena Villca Ark . And when the Secret came into their hands , and they were preparing to escort it to Europe , they were joined by Bera and Birsha , the same Immortals who murdered the Vrayas of the House of Tharsis . From Chang Shambhala , the White Fraternity sent Bera and Birsha to accompany the transport of the Ark to Clairvaux and make sure that it arrived without problems ; once there , they would try to seize the Wise Sword and settle the pending accounts with the House of Tharsis . I will suspend , for a moment , the account of the consequences that this new appearance of the Immortals would have for the Lords of Tharsis .
The most important thing now is to note that in the year 1128 , the Ark was installed in Clairvaux , in the power of the highest dignitaries of the Synagogue and the Golen Church , in the Heart of the College of the Temple Builders . In this way the second movement developed .
The triumphant result of both movements motivated the Golen to act immediately with the third . The six Knights who have transported the Ark meet in the Champagne , along with Bera and Birsha who still remain in Clairvaux instructing the College of Builders , and it is agreed to constitute them in Order of Chivalry . With that secret purpose , Saint Bernard summons in 1128 a Council in Troyes , in the Champagne region , attended in its entirety by Benedictine and Cistercian clergymen : Bishops , Abbots and Priors of all the monasteries of the Order , who come aware of the importance of the event and wish to observe closely the terrible Immortals Bera and Birsha who also will be present . At the Council of Troyes the formation of the Order of the Temple is approved and the writing of his Rule is entrusted to Saint Bernard . This will be a monastic Rule , basically Cistercian but completed with norms and provisions that regulate military life : at the head of the Order will be a Grand Master , who will depend only on the Pope ; the mission of the Order will be to train an army of Knights to fight in the East and in Spain against the Saracens ; In the West , the Order will possess properties suitable for practicing monastic life and offer military instruction ; the Order of the Knights Templar will be authorized to receive all kinds of donations , but Knights must observe the vow of poverty , etc .
During the rest of the 12th century , the Order grew in every sense and was constituted in the thirteenth century , in a true economic and military power subject only , and only to a certain point , to the authority of the Church . Since the hidden objective of the crusades was to get the Ark of the Covenant of Jehovah Satan with the Chosen People , and such an objective had already been achieved , it is evident that the maintenance of The Holy War had no other purpose than to strengthen the Order of the Temple and the Church : the following Crusades , in effect , allowed the Popes to demonstrate their power over the Kings and Nobles , and the Templar to increase its wealth . Thus , the papacy achieved its highest degree of prestige and could summon the Kings of France , England or Germany , to " cross " for Christ , Our Lord , and hopefully even manage to eliminate some potential enemy for its plans of European hegemony , for example , as Emperor Frederick Barbarossa , who never returned from the Third Crusade . And , as the war went on and the army of the East was professionally perfected and became indispensable in all operations , the Order was building a formidable economic and financial infrastructure : it was said that that power served to support the Crusade of the Knights Templar , but in reality , it was the founding of the financial Synarchy that was being attended . The Order soon developed , on the basis of its countless properties in France , Spain , Italy , Flanders , etc ., a banking network that operated with the newest system of " Bills of exchange ", invented by the Jewish bankers of Venice , and had its headquarters in the House of the Temple in Paris , a real Bank , provided with Treasury and Security Camera . Naturally , they practiced the loan at interest to Nobles and Kings , whose " promissory notes ", and other very advanced documents for the time , were kept in the safes of the Order . Among other responsibilities , they had been entrusted with the administration of the funds of the Church and tax collection for the crown of France .
The Templars occupied several places in Spain , among which was counted the Fortress of Monzón , the one that after the death of Alfonso I , the Battler ,