The Mistery of Belicena Villca
The Benedictine monk Robert received in 1098 the order to withdraw to the surroundings of Citeaux : in the year 1100 , as soon as it was known the news of the seizure of Jerusalem , Pope Paschal II places him in charge of the Abbey of the Cistercian and entrusts him the reform of the Cluniac rule . On the basis of the Regula Monachorum of Saint Benedict , he and his successor Alberic , introduce substantial changes in regard to Cluny : the monks return to manual labor , it insists more rigorously on asceticism and solitude , that is , on secrecy , and the clothing is changed : henceforth the Cistercians will not wear the classic black habit of the Cluniacs and Benedictines , but a white one , similar to the ancient tunic of the Golen of Roman Gaul , and that of the Levite priests who guarded in Israel the Ark with the Tablets of the Law . In 1112 the community is ready to receive the group of Initiates who will give it their final conformation : there are thirty-one , including Saint Bernard with five of his family , all Golen . After three years of studying the fine details , Saint Bernard focuses to found in Clairvaux , Champagne region , fief of Count Hugues , also of Golen family , a suitable monastery to preserve the Secret that would come from the East . Once finished , under the pretext of carrying out translations of Hebrew texts , the main Kabbalistic Rabbis of Europe are summoned to collaborate in the task of deciphering the Tablets of the Law . Strange community that of Cistercian and Clairvaux , made up of Golen and Jews , while the whole of Europe proclaims " Christian " in front of the " infidel " peoples of the East !
At the death of Saint Bernard there were three hundred and fifty Cistercian monasteries , and at the end of the thirteenth century , they numbered seven hundred in Europe . In this way the first movement was carried out .
As for Cluny , it shouldn ' t be believed that the foundation of the Cistercian and the expansion of the Order of the Temple were going to take away from it some power . Proof of this is the enormous volume of its facilities reached in the 13th century ; as an example , it is worth remembering that in 1245 , on the occasion of the General Council of Lyon , assembled by the Golen to excommunicate the Hyperborean Emperor Frederick II , a numerous retinue accompanied the Pope on his visit to Cluny , where they were lodged comfortably without the need for monks to leave their cells ; In other words , it had the infrastructure to house a Pope , an Emperor , and a King of France , along with all the prelates and Lords of their courtships . Do not believe I ' m exaggerating , Dr . Siegnagel : besides Pope Innocent IV , the two Patriarchs of Antioch and Constantinople , twelve Cardinals , three Archbishops , fifteen Bishops , the King of France Saint Louis , his mother Blanca de Castilla , his brother the Duke of Artois , and his sister , the Emperor of Constantinople Balwin II , the sons of the King of Aragón and Castilla , the Duke of Burgundy , six Counts , and a large number of Lords and Knights . Its library counted with five thousand volumes copied by the friars , apart from hundreds of manuscripts , scrolls and books from Antiquity , which were unique pieces in Europe .
Eighteenth Day
In the year 1118 , at last , the nine Golen found the Key to the Temple of Solomon with the approval of the White Fraternity : there are three Initiated Priests , in charge of locating the Tablets of the Law , and six Knights of custody . One of the Initiates is Count Hugues de Champagne , in whose lands the Cistercian has been installed , who is a relative of King Baldwin of Jerusalem and smoothly paves the occupation of the requested site : it is the traditional location of the Temple of Solomon . Their residence for several years in that place would give them the name of Knights Templar , that they later adopted , although they preferred to call themselves the Sole Guardians of the Temple of Solomon . Finally , after much searching , meditating , reflecting , and understanding the nature of the Secret , and also counting on the help of the “ Angels ” of the White Fraternity , the Templars were in a position to find the