The Mistery of Belicena Villca Alexander II and support for his own plans . And the Pierleoni Bank , of course , was very charitable ; and its charity , of course , had a direct beneficiary : the Congregation of Cluny , where its siblings of race and the Golen prepared the World Government of the Chosen People .
Fine-tuning the Golen plan will require a preliminary rehearsal : that general test of verification of potentialities will be the First Crusade . In 1078 , Gregory VII and the Golen staff receive two simultaneous news : the more important is the one that comes from the White Fraternity , in which the Immortals finally approve , the transfer to Europe of the Tablets of the Law , hidden for twenty-five centuries in Jerusalem , in the vicinity of the Temple of Solomon . The other news come from the Eastern Empire , which is encircled by a powerful military deployment of the Seldaschuk Turks , who already occupied Iran , Baghdad , Syria , Palestine , much of Asia Minor , and they have just seized Jerusalem . Those news decide the Golen on how they will rehearse their forces : they will preach the Crusade , but , in principle , it will not target the main objective but a secondary one ; the chivalric Christian need will be disclosed to help the Byzantine Church against the Turks ; if that call gives the expected results , only then will be announced the duty to “ free Holy Land "; and only if this last claim is obeyed , only then , will it be undertaken the mission to Jerusalem to search for the Key to the Temple of Solomon . Because it happens that the recovery of the Secret of the Chosen People is not easy : if it was hidden for twenty-one centuries it is not because no one had searched and found it before , but because its cover-up was deliberate and careful and employed esoteric techniques ; its current location would require the dispatch of a team of Priests Initiated in the acoustic and numeral Kabbalah , to read and pronounce correctly the Words that would open the Lock of the Secret : and that team should go at the right time , with maximum security , because the success or failure of a Strategy planned systematically for six hundred years , would depend on that operation .
The Synod of Clermont in 1095 is employed by Golen Pope Urban II , recent prior of Cluny , to call for war against the infidels and liberate the Eastern Church : - ” this war is , explained Urban II , a pilgrimage of armed Knights ”; “ There would be special indulgences for all who take up the cross and , so complacent will Heaven be with the Crusade , that then will come an extraordinary period of Peace of God ”. Peter the Hermit , a popular preacher , gathers a crowd of one hundred thousand people lacking military preparation and means , which will soon be exterminated ; instead the army of Frankish , Flemish and Normans , causes the admiration of the Golen : enlisted in it are , Godefroy de Bouillon , Lord of Lorraine , with his two brothers Baldwin and Eustace ; Robert of Flanders ; Robert of Normandy ; Raymond de Toulouse ; the Norman Lord of Italy , Bohemond di Taranto ; and Tancred . This army could be requested , from the outset , the conquest of Jerusalem !
After multiple difficulties typical of war against a courageous enemy , religiously fanaticized , aggravated by the betrayals of the Byzantines , the Crusaders manage to conquer Jerusalem in 1099 , three years after the departure from Europe . A Christian Kingdom was founded there , of which Godefroy de Bouillon is the first King .
After that victory , the Golen will only spend thirty years locating the Tablets of the Law and transporting them to Europe : from then on will begin the Gaulic or Gothic revolution . That phase of the plan was developed with several parallel movements . On the one hand , a suitable place had to be prepared to receive the Tablets of the Law , decipher their message , and find a way to apply the Knowledge of the Serpent to the Construction of Temples . On the other hand , it should be dispatched as soon as possible to Jerusalem the team of Golen Initiates who would be in charge of locating the Secret . And also , they would have to start immediately the formation of the military Order that would sustain the financial Synarchy that would soon have to be created . If such movements culminated in the objectives proposed by the White Fraternity , then it wouldn ' t take long for the World Government of the Chosen People to come and the Will of the One Creator God fulfilled .