The Mistery of Belicena Villca Rome and get him to agree to move the capital from its German base : although such a project would not materialize , the idea was already launched and would influence the imperial objectives for two hundred and fifty years of the German kingdom . The details of that plan are agreed upon between King Otto the Great and the Golen Pope Silvester II , whose name was Gerbert de Rheims . And in that plan of the year 1000 , in the commitment assumed by the Emperor to " fight against the infidels ”, especially against the Saracens of Spain , through a “ Militia of God ”, the concepts of the Crusades and the Military Orders were clearly outlined , one hundred years before its realization .
But the success of the plan responded , in any case , to the subjection of the Emperor in front of the authority of the Pope , of the dominion that the Church could impose on the naturally indomitable temperament of German sovereigns . It would be there where the forces of the Cultural Pact would be measured against the unconscious Memory of the Blood Pact . For that , the Golen would seat on the Throne of Saint Peter a Cluniac reformer of unparalleled fanaticism , the monk Hildebrand , who will go down in history as the Pope Gregory VII , the Pope who would have Emperor Henry IV humiliated at Canossa before lifting his excommunication , thereby demonstrating " the superiority of the spiritual power over temporal power ”, that is , holding the ancient forgery of the brown Atlanteans and the Priests of the Cultural Pact : to the Hyperborean Wisdom of the Blood Pact , on the contrary , the Spirit is essentially warrior and therefore noble and warrior castes are spiritually superior to the priestly . But , with Henry IV ' s weakness , the damage was done and it would be up to his descendants to fight against a Golen papacy erected as director of the Destiny of the West .
That the Golen did not and would never trust the Germans , apart from the establishment of the College of Builders in Cluny , is indicated by its favorable attitude towards the Normans as the preferred executors of their plans , followed by the French . Those , who did not belong , as supposed , to the family of German peoples , but to a Celtic tribe of Scandinavia , ethnically different from the Norwegian , Swedish and Danish Vikings , had conquered a Duchy in Northern France , Normandy , which was officially recognized by Charles the Simple in the year 911 : by the peace treaty then agreed in Saint Clair-Sur-Epte , Duke Rollo was baptized and accepted Christianity along with his people , whose definitive evangelization was left in the hands of the Benedictine Order . It didn ' t take long , then , for monasteries to flourish in Normandy and all the Norman nobility was finally left under the influence of Cluny . One hundred and fifty years later , the effects of the patient labor of indoctrination and cultural conditioning carried out by the Benedictines , were confirmed : the Normans were prepared to become an executing arm of the White Fraternity plans . The Golen Pope Nicholas II , the one who institutes the Papal election by the Cardinals , hands over in fiefdom in the South of Italy : to King Robert Guiscard , Apulia , Calabria and Sicily ; to Richard of Aversa , Capua ; It is the year 1059 . Seven years later , in 1066 , the Duke of Normandy , William the Conqueror , seizes England with the collaboration , or open treason , of the Benedictine Order of the island : thanks to him , they enter again in England the members of the Chosen People , who had been expelled in 920 by King Knut the Great under the charge of " enemies of the State ”. The Pope is then the Benedictine Alexander II , but the brains who direct the maneuver are the Golen Cluniacs Hildebrand and Peter Damian . In succeeding him in the papacy Hildebrand himself , or Gregory VII , in 1073 , an impressive strip descending from Ireland , encompasses England , Normandy , Flanders , France , Burgundy , Italy , and concludes in Sicily , is subject to the direct influence of the Golen of Cluny .
It should be added about Hildebrand , a fact that should never be forgotten : his Jewish origin . Hildebrand , in effect , was great-grandson of Baruk , the Jewish banker who converted to Christianity and was head of the Pierleoni family , a lineage that influenced papal elections for centuries . Thanks to money from Pierleoni , for example , Hildebrand had won the election of