The Mistery of Belicena Villca advanced instrumental means , to comprehensively plan long-range objectives , and that would report directly to the President or a Supreme Council and would act independently of any other national authority outside their own bosses or commanders ? Well , that ' s exactly what Cluny was in the 10th century . There they planned for a future Europe , Judeo-Christian , unified under the Cathedrals and the Temple of Solomon , controlled by a military Order of the Church , administered by a Financial Synarchy , and finally governed by the Chosen People .
It is Formosus , the same Benedictine Pope whose unburied corpse was thrown into the Tiber by Pope Stephen VI , a supporter of Lambert of Espoleto , in revenge that he appointed Arnulf as Emperor , who names Berno to undertake the great mission . Berno was a Benedictine monk of noble Burgundian lineage , whose influence on Duke William I of Aquitaine was used to convince him about the convenience of founding the Cluny monastery . In the year 910 Berno himself takes the direction of the monastery and begins the Concentration of Knowledge : the main books and manuscripts that the Order had in different monasteries are gathered there and a Golen Elite is constituted , dedicated to the copying of documents and the study of the " Sacred Architecture ". Of course , the Golen Elite , internally called “ clergy monks ”, would have to deal exclusively with their task and would have to abandon the traditional Benedictine norm of sharing the labors of maintenance of the monastery and food production : in this sense , the Benedictine Rule is reformed and the institution of " lay monks " is created to perform the honorable function of supporting the Golen . During the mandate of its second abbot , Saint Odo , the fruits of the reform are already beginning to be seen : first is spread the fame of asceticism and the perfection attained by the Cluniac reform , which attracts the curiosity of other monasteries and causes the admiration of the people ; then groups of especially trained monks are sent to the monasteries that require it , to initiate them in the reform : the members of the people are carefully selected for incorporation into the Elite of the Clergy Monks or to entrust them with the tasks of the lay monks ; then monasteries under the jurisdiction of Cluny are inaugurated , those to which it extends its rights of autonomy and independence . At that point , Cluny was a Congregation in its own right . And who most enthusiastically supports Saint Odo with a bull in the year 932 is the Benedictine Pope John XI , bastard son of Pope Sergius III and Marozia di Teodora , famous assassin of the Time .
After 150 years of activity , the Cluny Congregation has two thousand monasteries distributed mainly in France , Germany and Italy , but also in Spain , England , Poland , etc .; not including the remaining thousands of Benedictine monasteries that have adopted the Cluniac reform but that do not depend on the Abbot of Cluny . In the middle of the 11th century the Order has achieved effectively transforming European Culture : under the intellectual mantle of the Benedictines of Cluny have formed guilds of operative masons that demonstrated their expertise in the art of “ Romanesque ” construction and that are ready to launch the revolution of the " Gaulic ", misnamed Gothic ; behind that movement , naturally , is the Secret College of Temple Builders . But it has also been possible to plant in the hearts of the feudal lords the seed of sentimentality , repentance and Christian piety : the " Sins " weigh more and more on the Knight ' s Soul and require relief from the priestly confession ; it is accepted to moderate the warlike conduct by the " peace of God " and the " truce of God ", determined by the Priests ; Germanic warriors are moralized with the Judaic principles of the Law of God , of Fear to the Justice of God , etc . As a result of this arises a special class of Nobles and Knights who , without losing their courage and audacity , but respectful of God and his representatives , are conditioned to blindly throw themselves at any adventure that the Church points out to them .
The plans of the White Fraternity are being fulfilled in all their parts . In the year 1000 , after having frightened Europe with the " proximity of the Last Judgment ”, the Golen take a great step forward by exposing the German Emperor their project of rebuilding the Western Roman Empire with capital in