The Mistery of Belicena Villca with which the One God named all things of Creation : With those Tablets in their possession , the Golen would be in a position to lift the Temple of Solomon in Europe , thus fulfilling the plans of the White Fraternity and elevating the Chosen People to the Throne of the World . But before reaching such wonderful achievements , the Benedictine Order would have to solve various problems : in addition to setting up the College of Temple Builders , the conditions should be created so that the peoples of the Roman Empire support the existence of a Military Order within the Catholic Church . Such an Order would have a double function : on the one hand , to guard , in the moment that the White Fraternity decided to hand it over to the Golen , the Tablets of the Law , from its present location in Jerusalem to Europe ; And on the other hand , serve as a military force in support of the Constitution of the Financial Synarchy , or Concentration of Economic Power , which would be necessary to establish in Europe as a preliminary step to the World Government of the Chosen People .
Seventeenth Day
Carrying out the last part of the White Fraternity ' s plans required a reform in the Benedictine monastic system : it was needed , above all , to concentrate the Knowledge of the Order and control , from that center , the main cultural functions of the West . And that reform would not wait because it was planned in advance , that is , it was an alternative strategy of the Golen ; in the same ninth century , as soon as Charlemagne died and when his dynasty prepares to engage in a factional struggle , for the chunks of the Empire , which would last a hundred years , the change is already beginning to take shape : in the year 814 , Louis Pious , the Monk , gives all his support to Saint Benedict of Aniane so that he founds a monastery in Aachen , where the Benedictine Rule would be applied with the utmost rigor . Three years later , that monk , who had been sent to the Carolingian court by the Benedictine Pope Leo III , writes and publicizes the Capitulare Monacorum and the Codex Regularum that would give an initial foundation for the reform of the Benedictine Order . But it will be in the X century when the objective of concentrating the Knowledge of the Order is achieved definitively with the occupation of the Cluny monastery . The delay must be attributed to the compatibility that such objective should have with the security of the Secret of the Order : the Golen could not risk , at that stage of things , a failure due to a lack of foresight . That is why the Cluny reform was only undertaken when there was the certainty that it will not be interrupted .
With the election of the Saxon Henry I , the Fowler , as King of the Franks and Emperor , in the year 919 , enters History the extraordinary lineage of the Ottonians and the Salians , a Pure Blood that would eventually produce a Frederick II Hohenstaufen in the thirteenth century , “ the Hyperborean Emperor who opposed the Power of the Spirit to the most satanic representatives of the Cultural Pact ”. In the tenth century , this powerful lineage vigorously reorganized the Kingdom , while the papacy falls into the greatest loss of prestige because of the fingering carried out by the families of the Roman nobility , especially the Teodoras , Crescentii , Tusculani , etc . The Benedictine Order , which has decided to seize the moment to work secretly in the formation of the College of Temple Builders , makes sure from the start that no one interferes with the operation of Cluny : precisely , the place chosen to concentrate Knowledge was a French monastery , exclusively for security reasons . A succession of papal bulls issued during the 10th and 11th centuries followed to the letter by the Dukes of Aquitaine and Kings of Burgundy established the total independence of Cluny from any authority other than the Pope or its abbots : neither the Kings , nor the Dux or Counts , nor the regional Bishops , could intervene in the affairs of the monastery .
Have you heard , Dr . Siegnagel , of certain secret bases possessed by the Great Powers , for example , the Soviets or the Americans , in which a huge number of scientists of all specialties would have gathered , equipped with the most