THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 93

The Mistery of Belicena Villca hand of the Golen , the need , artificially implanted in the minds of those Generals , to fulfill the extermination sentence . The sin of the Saxons was this : they occupied the forest and gave themselves with such determination to carry out their mission that they prevented , for centuries , that the Golen could approach the Extersteine ; but the worst was they engraved the thirteen plus three runic signs of the Sacred Alphabet in the Irminsul Column , and the Stone of Venus was embedded in its center , remembrance of the One Eye of Wothan that looked at the World of the Great Deception from the Tree of Terror . The repulsion that the Saxons felt towards Golen priests , their irreversible rejection of Judeo-Christianity , their fidelity to the Blood Pact and the Hyperborean Wisdom , their fierce defense of the Teutoburger Wald square , and their refusal to hand over the Stone of Venus , were motives more than enough to decree the extermination of the Saxon Royal House , especially at that time when the power of the Golen was in their apogee .
This is the only explanation for the bloody persistence of Charlemagne , who , for thirty years fought relentlessly against the Saxons , a cultural and militarily inferior people to the Franks and that if it resisted so long it was because of the indomitable Courage that the Spirit brought forth from its Pure Blood . In 772 , the troops of the new Perseus fell on Teutoburger Wald and , after fierce fighting , managed to take the Extersteine and hand it over to the Golen Benedictine Priests for its " purification ": these do not take long to destroy the Irminsul Column and steal the Stone of Venus , condemning the Saxons ever since to the darkness of the strategic confusion , to the disorientation about the Origin . Notwithstanding the loot conquered , it was necessary to fulfill the sentence of the Golen : in 783 , in Verden , Charlemagne , in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ , would have beheaded five thousand Saxon Nobles , whose Pure Blood would consummate , in the ritual Sacrifice , the unity of the Creator God Jehovah Satan . After a later hopeless resistance , by the only surviving rebel chief , Widukind , the Saxons ended up accepting Judeo- Christianity , like so many other peoples in similar circumstances , and joined the Frankish Kingdom .
Charlemagne died in Aachen in 814 , but already in 800 he received from Pope Leo III the consecration as Roman Emperor , fair payment for that who served the Church and the cause of the Benedictine Order so well . His son Louis the Pious succeeds him as Emperor , whom his contemporaries nicknamed " the Pious " and " the Monk ", for his dedication to the Church and his concern to finally bring the Frankish monks under the power of the Benedictine Order . Just three years after his imperial coronation , he fulfills that longing of the Golen at the Synod of Aachen in 817 , in which its agreed to impose the Benedictine Rule on all the monasteries of the Frank dominions , that is , to what would soon be the German Roman Empire : part of Spain , France , Germany , Denmark , Sweden , Friesland , Italy , etc .
With the sanction of that imperial law , the power of the Order was consolidated enough so that the Golen did not think of anything else , for two hundred and seventy years , than in bringing to perfection the College of Temple Builders . In the preceding two hundred years they accumulated the Knowledge of Sciences ; now they would go into practice , they would form Guilds of Constructors composed of lodges of apprentices , companions and mason masters ; and such lodges would be secular , composed of townspeople , but secretly directed by the Order , which will be the one who owns the Blueprint and the Codes of the Temple . It would also be necessary to have a Final Code , a Secret that would allow the Golen to bring their work to perfection . But the Golen , and for Them the Benedictine Order , counted on the Word of the White Fraternity that such a Secret would be entrusted to them when their European mission was nearing completion . That Secret , that Code of the codes , consisted of the Tablets of the Law of Jehovah Satan , those that the Creator God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai and then made it possible for Hiram , King of Tire , to build the Temple of Solomon , the Temple of the temples : on them was engraved , through a Sacred Alphabet of twenty-two signs , the Secret of the Serpent , that is , the Highest Knowledge that the animal man is allowed to attain , the Words