The Mistery of Belicena Villca that would actually be stone machines of dark Atlantean technology , and whose function would aim to transmute the mind of the believer and adjust it to the collective Archetype of the Hebrew Race , which is the same than that of the archetypal Jesus Christ .
Alcuin , who called himself " Flaccus " in honor of the Latin poet Horatius , led the Golen Benedictine cultural circles that surrounded the Emperor . In such cenacles breathed a very intense biblical and Jewish air : Charlemagne demanded to be called " David ", and his faithful advisor Eginard , for example , asked to be named Bezalel , after the builder of the Tabernacle in the Temple of Jerusalem . And in this special microclimate set by the Benedictine Golen , the Emperor and his principal associates of the Frankish nobility , were slowly brainwashed and conditioned to adopt the " Golen point of view ” on the Order of the World . To preserve that Order , for example , paganism should be eradicated and Judeo-Christianity imposed worldwide : that was the Good , what the law of God commanded and what the representative of Saint Peter signed . It didn ' t matter if to get that Good , brother peoples should well be destroyed : God would forgive His own all done in the name of Him . The Golen thus conditioned the mind of the Emperor because they needed a new Perseus , a " Hero " who would fulfill the sentence of extermination that weighed on the people of Pure Blood of the Saxons and allow them to steal their Stone of Venus .
At least the Perseus people of the Carthaginians who destroyed Tartessos a thousand years before belonged to another Race . The crime of Charlemagne and his Franks is inestimably larger , as , not content with militarily supporting the offensive launched by Saint Boniface against the Hyperborean Wisdom of the Saxons , undertook the task of exterminating the Saxon nobility himself , close sister of the Frankish blood .
The Saxons were one of the last peoples in the West to remain uninterruptedly faithful to the Pact of Blood and the Liberating Gods : as they believed , the white Atlanteans had entrusted them with the mission of protecting a Great Secret of the White Race , which fell from the sky on Germany thousands of years ago , during the Battle of Atlantis ; that secret was specifically mentioned in the Myth of Navutan , whom the Saxons called Wothan , as " the ring of the Kâlachakra Key ", where the Traitor Gods had recorded the Sign of the Origin : Freya Partridge had to release it before entering the dying Navutan and its fall , according to the Wisdom of the Saxons , occurred in Germany ; Specifically , it had fallen on the rocks of the Extersteine , a mountain located in the center of the Teutoburger Wald forest . According to what the Saxons held , the ring touched the rocks in coincidence with the moment when Navutan was resurrected and acquired the Wisdom of the Language of the Birds : this caused the Sign of the Origin to decompose into the thirteen plus three Vrunes or Runes and that these were captured forever on the rocks of the Extersteine ; on one of them , the most prominent , anyone with spiritual lineage will be able to see , for example , the most sacred Vrune to the white Atlanteans , the one representing the Great Chief Navutan , that is to say , the Odal Rune . But the Saxons not only knew , at that late date of the 8th century A . D ., the Vrunes of Navutan , but had managed to preserve , just as the Lords of Tharsis , their Stone of Venus . At the top of the Extersteine , stood up , from time immemorial , the " Universalis Columna " Irminsul , a Pillar of Wood that represented the Tree of Terror where Navutan had crucified himself to learn the Secret of Death . This sanctuary was revered by Germans since ancient times and , to avoid its desecration by the Romans in 9 A . D ., the Cheruscan Leader Arminius , or Erminrich , annihilated the army of General Publius Quinctilius Varus , composed of twenty thousand legionaries , in the vicinity of Teutoburger : Varus and the main officers committed suicide after the disaster .
The heroic Saxons were not going to have the same fate seven hundred and sixty years after , then faced with an overwhelmingly superior enemy that professed towards them an irrational intolerance , similar to the one that Hamílcar Barca experienced towards the Tartessians . Of course , behind that intolerance of Charlemagne , there is to see , as in the case of Hamilcar , the