THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 60

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
So , in the opinion of the Golen , if the Argive Perseus Myth was prophesied , this was to be infallibly carried out : then the sentence of extermination that weighed on the House of Tharsis would also be fulfilled .
Of course , do not be fooled about the activity of a Myth being described down to the smallest details : although in the credulous minds of the people , Perseus and Medusa , were imagined as real characters , the Kings and military leaders who coveted the spoils of Tartessos were clear that it was about representations ; in the centuries of Tartessian expansion , those who wished to " emulate Perseus ", for example , knew very well that the " Head of Medusa ” that they had to cut meant “ to destroy Tartessos ”; something similar happened in the wars of the XIX century when it was proposed to “ destroy the Bear ” alluding to “ the conquest of Russia ”, or “ humiliating the Lion ”, instead of “ subjecting England ". However , the fact that a King was aware of the allegorical sense of the Myth , does not detract from him ability to act but , on the contrary , increases his chances of actually being realized : he who intelligently adopts the role character of the mythical plot , plays the description of the Myth as a kind of plan or project to be carried out ; but then it is not the character who acts to carry out the Myth project , but the Myth that , unconsciously , motorizes the character to realize the argument : whoever aspires to be Perseus will end up cutting off the head of Medusa , although he believes that he will be able to self-control because he knows the allegorical meaning of the character .
Thus , Dr . Siegnagel , the Golen “ directed against Tartessos the Myth of Perseus ” as a reaction to the economic and military expansion that was developing out of their control and frustrated all their plans : the answer is now clear . During the subsequent centuries many would be the " Perseus " who would try the feat of conquering Tartessos ; and almost always , integrating the warrior expeditions , guiding the invading Kings or Pirate Chiefs , arrived the Golen , caricature of Hermes that would point out the abode of the Graeae and the location of the Single eye , that is , of the Wise Sword . For the Golen would never forget their main objective : steal the Stone of Venus . That would be their share of the loot : everything other , the gold and the silver , the docks , ships and prosperous cities , everything would be for the victorious Perseus , for the " hero " of the Cultural Pact . It wasn ' t much what they requested and there would be few who would respond to their intriguing proposals . However , despite this offensive that was based on the universal action of a Myth and which forced the Tartessians to live in a permanent state of war , the Kingdom successfully defended until the third century , when its power began to decline against other rising powers : Carthage , Greece and Rome would write the end of the story .
The Greeks of the pre-classical period were very receptive to the Strategy of the Golen and this led them to undertake many expeditions of conquest against Tartessos : from their thriving colonies in Sicily , Italy , Gaul , and , finally , in Spain itself , they would have ended up with Tartessos if it wasn ' t because they had to watch their backs from the growing power of Rome . The Romans , on the other hand , were always friendly with the Tartessians and not very permeable to the influence of the Golen : this should not be surprising if it is remembered that by the veins of the Roman nobility circulated the blood of the Pelasgians of Etruria , direct relatives of the Tartessians . Fate would therefore reserve neither Greeks nor Romans the " feat " of destroying Tartessos . It would be a man from Carthage , a Phoenician , a red or Punic , the new Perseus who would wield the iron sickle , inverted and perverted symbol of the crescent , and would cut off the Head of Medusa , thus fulfilling the prophecy of the Golen .
In the 12th century BC , when the Philistines occupy and plunder it , begins the decline of Sidon , the most important city in Phoenicia . Thus begins the might of Tire , which would not cease to grow until Nebuchadnezzar , after a thirteen year siege , ruined it for good in 574 A . J . C . But , for that time , Tire has expanded throughout the ancient world and has colonies , such as Gades ( Cadiz ), in the South of Spain , on the coasts of Sicily , in the Balearic Islands , in Sardinia , and , since 814 B . C ., on the coasts of Africa , where they have