THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 59

The Mistery of Belicena Villca caduceus is a rod with two coiled serpents , that the Sun represents the Creator God , and the herd the animal-men , it is easy to distinguish in the figure of Hermes , the one who has understood , through a language , the Symbol of the Serpent with which the Creator God shepherds his servants . And Frya , for her part , was known as Athena , Minerva , Aphrodite , Freya , etc .; about her , the Greeks said that " she was born already armed ": she was , then , Goddess of War , of Wisdom , and of Love .
From his reverse journey to Tartessos , the Argive Perseus begins to behave as a clear exponent of the Cultural Pact : he does not consult the Vrayas but steals their common eye ; they send him to Alsos , the home of the Alceides , that is , to a sacred forest , where he meets the Meliades Nymphs , those that are none other than personifications of the Ash trees ; the Nymphs supply a crane skin sack , where he will place the Head of Medusa , and sandals that allow him to fly ; Hades lends him the helmet of invisibility ; and Hermes hands him a crescentshaped sickle to cut off the head of the monster . But what most betrays this falsification engendered by the Priests of the Cultural Pact is the prevention of the Argive Perseus that fears becoming a Man of Stone . Because in the Aegean Myth it is not a subsequent Wisdom , but Medusa ' s own gaze which turns to stone ; the Wisdom , on the contrary , is not beyond Death but outside , next to Perseus , definitely independent and unattainable for him . She doesn ' t allow him to reflect on his Naked Truth : She simply places an objective mirror where the " Hero " will contemplate Death without being caught by it . It is all the help that Athena offers him : seeing Her from the mirror , Perseus will drive the sickle into Medusa ' s neck and will give death to Death , without this " feat " allowing him to achieve immortality . Athena ' s mirror is his protective shield ; the Head of Medusa , obtained in the useless feat of the Argive Perseus , is placed by the Goddess in the center of the shield , clearly implying that in this Age , after the triumph of the Cultural Pact , Wisdom is shielded in Death , without there being any chance for mortals to reach it . Of course , this is just a threat from the Priests of the Cultural Pact to discourage the pursuit of the liberation of the Spirit . In short , as the Argive Perseus neither achieved immortality nor he got Wisdom , he will not be able to understand the Serpent and that is why he is forced to kill her too , which he will do on the return of his " feat ", when he fights a dragon and frees Andromeda , with whom he unites and procreates numerous offspring .
Finally , risking being mercilessly executed by the Tartessians , the Golen managed to infiltrate the Sacred Forest and spy on the Ritual of the Cold Fire . From that unfortunate day , the Golen knew they had found a Face and a Home for Medusa . In a few years , thanks to their incessant preaching and to that of the countless Priests who supported them in all the peoples of the Cultural Pact , the Argive legend of Perseus was popularized with renewed vigor : the sons of Phorcys and Ceto , the Graeae , the Gorgons , and the Serpent that guards the Tree of golden Apples , inhabit a sacred forest of the Tartesside , region that belonged to the Kingdom of Tartessos at the time . Logically , it won ' t seem clear the advantage it could mean for the Golen to refloat and adapt a “ Myth ”, if we start from the erroneous principle that then no one believed in it or that the whole world , even if they granted it “ legendary ” truthfulness , knew that this " had already happened ". To think that would show ignorance about the ideology of the Golen . Along with their revolutionary conception of the unity of God in the Ritual sacrifice , the Golen supported the astonishing concept that Myths had a prophetic character . That is to say , that Myths , and all argument coming from Heaven or the Gods , are never completely fulfilled , never fully realized . They had blind faith that if circumstances and characters were repeated , the Myth , like a Prophecy , was to develop again on Earth ; In short , they stated :
What was , that will be ; what was done , the same will be done : there is nothing new under the sun .