THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 61

The Mistery of Belicena Villca founded the rich and prosperous city of Carthage . With the commercial ruin of Tire gains preponderance , from the sixth century , the Carthaginian colony , possessing the largest fleet in the western Mediterranean .
Carthage achieved in history the sad celebrity of having constituted an amoral society , made up of merchants whose only ambition was wealth , that imposed its trade with the protection of a mercenary army ; only a few military leaders , in fact , were Carthaginians : the bulk of the army was made up of men without country and without law , that is , by soldiers whose homeland was the one who paid the most and whose law depended on the agreed payment . But what always impressed observers the most , analogously to the disgust that caused in the Europeans of the sixteenth century to learn of the bloody Aztec Cult of the Beating Hearts , was the Cult of Moloch , a deity to which they were due offer permanent human sacrifices to quench his insatiable thirst for lives . In Tire , the Phoenicians worshiped Gods very similar to those of other peoples of Mesopotamia and Asia Minor : they worshiped the Goddess Astarte or Tanit , which for the Assyrian-Babylonian was Ishtar or Innana , or Nana , for the Greeks Io , for the Egyptians Isis , and elsewhere called Astaroth , Cybele , Athena , Anatha , Hathar , etc .; and they also offered to Adon , which was the equivalent to the Phrygian Adonis ; and they believed in Melkarth , which corresponded to the Argive Heracles ; and offered sacrifices to Baal Zebul , Baal Sidon , Baal Zaduk , Baal Il , Baal Tars , Baal Yah , etc ., all Names of the Creator God who was now represented as the Sun , or like the planet Jupiter or like a force of nature . It was in the 9th century B . C ., when King Itobal , priest of Astarte , married his daughter Jezebel with King Ahab of Israel , that the Golen infiltrated Tire and tried to unify the Cults in the Sacrifice to God One Il . That attempt would not give great results until the following century , after the Great King Sargon II of Assyria conquered the country of Canaan and the Golen moved to Carthage to officiate as Priests of the Moloch Cult .
It should be noted that the Carthaginian was the first population in which the Golen settled , outside the European peoples assigned to them by the White Fraternity , to comply with their mission of unifying the Cults . But it would be the first and the last because , as they themselves declared , their only interest was in working on the Cults of Europe : if they remained in Carthage it was owed purely and exclusively to the Tartessian heresy , to the need to guide that Perseus people to cut off the Head of Medusa and to fulfill their prophecies . And so it was that , driven by the sinister design of the Golen , the Cult of Moloch would come to dominate by terror all other powers of the government of Carthage : the King , the Nobility , the Councils of State , the Military leaders , all ended up subject to Moloch and his Golen Priests . In the end , all the families of Carthage were obliged to offer their firstborn children to be sacrificed in the " mouth of Moloch ", that is , to be thrown into the mouth of a metal idol facing an incandescent furnace ; and there the prisoners ended their days too , together with the slaves , those charged with some crime , the consecrated virgins , or anyone the Golen thought of eliminating . But the God was never satisfied : He demanded more and more living proofs of the people ' s Faith in the ritual Sacrifice ; His Law demanded a share of blood hardly available . Maybe Moloch expected a Sacrifice even greater , perhaps He would calm Himself with the offering of the entire lineage that had offended Him , with the extermination in His Name of the lineage of the Lords of Tharsis .
At the outbreak of the Punic Wars , in 264 B . C ., the Golen believed the opportunity to fulfill the Prophecies had arrived . And they didn ' t just believe it but also the members of the White Fraternity , who sent from Chang Shambhala two mysterious characters named Bera and Birsha . They were two higher-grade Priests , who were given the title of " Immortals "; two Priests who , having belonged in remote times to the same Race of the Golen , the White Fraternity had tasked them with directing their plans . They were two " Supreme Golen ", then ; that exceeded everything their Breed Brothers could have demonstrated in matters of cruelty and diabolical arts : among other powers , for example , they had the power to travel through Time , a domain that my family bitterly verified since the same actors appeared in different centuries