THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 56

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
But how long did the Trial of the Cold Fire last ? Only the Hierophants , and the ones that had failed , who would die anyway , did know ; only they had preserved the awareness of the elapsed time . Those who were reflected in the Infinite Blackness , and found the Naked Truth of Oneself , also received a Reflection of Eternity : the contemplation of Oneself , which is a Reflection of the Eternal Spirit , is experienced in a unique instant , unfathomable by the Time of Creation ; the Chosen who meet the Kâlibur Death of Pyrene will never be able to answer that question ; the experience of eternity is indescribable . Hence those of the second group , those who actually died , were considered Very Loved by the Goddess , since She had held them in Eternity . And they would be given the funerals of the Wise Warriors : they would have the right to be cremated with the sword in hand ; and an urn of Ash wood , with their ashes , would then be thrown into the Western Sea .
In the third case , when exceptionally some Chosen One returned from Death , he was immediately incorporated into the College of Hierophants of Tartessos . This fact constituted a reason for celebration throughout the Kingdom because the people , who did not understand esoteric subtleties , infallibly intuited that the Son of Death meant an award for the Race ; despite having triumphed by Himself in the Trial of the Cold Fire , the new Hierophant would be considered as the exponent of a collective merit , of a racial virtue . But the ancient Hierophants , who knew the secret , equally welcomed the resurrected Chosen One with joy : behold , they indicated , a Man of Stone ; a Returned from Death ; one that in Death was loved with the Kâlibur Cold Fire of Pyrene and now retains the Memory of L-ove ; one who has felt , beyond the Love of Life , the L-ove of Kâlibur Death , that is , the Non-Death of Kâlibur Death , and now has been immortalized as the son of Death . This is how they received him :
Oh Chosen of Pyrene , you were mortal and the L-ove of a Goddess has freed you from Life . By Will of the One Creator of mud you were . By Will of the Kâlibur Death of Stone you are . Oh Son of Death , Courage has your Name . You should not speak anymore , just act . Keep in your Heart of Ice the Memory of L-ove , but do not remember . Just experience Yourself Immortal Cold Fire , Man of Stone .
And , in truth , the Man of Stone would not speak , perhaps for many years . He would not do it because he would be busy experiencing Himself . Because since rebirth , inside his heart , on a deep fiber , burned the Cold Fire Flame : and that Flame , when it was perceived , spoke with the Voice of Himself ; and his words always began with the Name of the Goddess : I am , I am ( Ey , Ey ). Hearing the Voice of Himself affirming " I am ”, the Man of Stone really was , that is , he had absolute existence outside the illusion of material beings , beyond Life and Death . Because of that the Immortal Man of Stone would not speak , or speak very little , hereafter : he was very close to the Hyperborean Wisdom of the white Atlanteans and that wisdom could not be explained to sleeping men who loved Life and feared Liberating Death . Perhaps at the end , during the Final Battle , he or other Immortal Men of Stone will speak clearly to sleeping men to summon them to free themselves from material chains and fight for the return to the Origin of the Hyperborean Race . Meanwhile , the Man