THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 55

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Gates of Death they get to perceive , in an instant of Supreme Terror , that the Sacred Forest , has transfigured and is overflowing with manifest Life , a Life that lay hidden behind the illusion of lived existence , of a Life that at that moment was sprouting obscenely from all things like a demonic orgasm of the Nature ; and they also saw how the Apple Tree of Tharsis , animated by Insane Intelligence , shuddered with Diabolical Laughter ; and they saw the Head of the Goddess , equally vitalized , glow with a blinding White Light that further accentuated the Infinite Blackness of Her Eyes . And when entering the Infinite Blackness , as the heart becomes cold and the Lukewarm Life dies , they finally see the Hair of Pyrene boiling with Serpents : and they hear the Serpents hissing the letters of the Sacred Alphabet and pronounce uninterruptedly , the Names of all Things Created . There it was , finally discovered though useless to them , the Highest Knowledge allowed to the Animal Man , the content of the Serpent Symbol !
But , that Knowledge no longer interests the Chosen . Something of their own has crossed the barriers of Kâlibur Death , something that does not fear Death , and it has encountered the Naked Truth that is Itself . Because the Infinite Blackness offered by the Kâlibur Death of the Goddess Pyrene , in which all Created Light disappears without remedy , is able to Reflect that " something " that is the Uncreated Spirit ; and the Reflection of the Spirit in the Infinite Blackness of the Kâlibur Death is the Naked Truth about Oneself . Facing the Infinite Blackness the Created Life dies of Terror and the Spirit finds Itself . That is why if a Chosen , after the reunion , recovers Life , will be the bearer of a Sign of Death that will leave his heart forever frozen . The Soul cannot help being subjugated by the Stone Seed of Itself that grows and develops at its expenses and transmutes the Chosen One into a Hyperborean Initiate , into a Man of Stone , into a Wise Warrior . As a Man of Stone , the resurrected Chosen will have a Heart of Ice and will exhibit Absolute Courage . He will be able to love without reservation the Woman of Flesh , but will never be able to ignite in his heart the Hot Fire of Animal Passion . Then he will search for the Woman of Flesh , the one who in addition to Soul possesses Uncreated Spirit , like the Goddess Pyrene , and who will be able to Reveal , in Her Infinite Blackness , the Naked Truth about Oneself . He will love the Kâlibur Woman with the Cold Fire of the Hyperborean Race . And the Kâlibur Woman will respond with the icy L- ove of Pyrene ' s Kâlibur Death .
Ninth Day
Among the Chosen who faced the Trial of the Cold Fire , three outcomes could be expected . In the first place , that some did not pass the Test , that is , that they had not undergone the actual experience of Death , be it because the initial Terror did not give way to Animal Passion , be it because the Hot Fire did not turn into Terror , be it because Terror prevented looking straight at the Infinite Blackness , or be it any other reason . Second , that others would have really died . And finally , that some of these had risen . In the first case , the Chosen would be executed the following night to the Trial of the Cold Fire ; for the Tartessian Hierophants the one who was not really willing to die should not submit to the Trial ; because nobody should get out of the Trial alive ; if one died , and was resurrected , whoever was reborn would not be the one who died but a Son of Death , someone who would carry a Sign of Death and would lead with Him the Death : that is , the Son of Death would be begotten in Death by Himself . Who attended the Test , and did not die , would not deserve to live : the Executioner Women of Tartessos would lower the ax of stone on his neck ; they would assassinate him the night after the Test , in the Willow Grove consecrated to the Moon Goddess Ioa , on the shores of the Odiel . What happened with them ? no one knew for sure what their fate would be , if they really would die for ever , if they would resurrect in another world , if they would reincarnate in future lives or if their Souls would transmigrate to other beings .