THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 57

The Mistery of Belicena Villca of Stone will only act , he will silently listen to the Voice of the Cold Fire and act ; and his act will express the maximum spiritual value : whatever he does in it , his act will be founded on the absolute support of Himself , beyond good and evil , and no judgment or punishment from the World of Deception will affect him . And no variant of the Great Deception , not even the Hot Fire of Animal Passion , will drag him back to the Dream of Life : Wise and Brave as a God , the Man of Stone will only fight if necessary and will wait quietly for the Final Battle ; he will long for the Origin and will be moved by nostalgia for the L-ove of the Goddess ; he will look for her Original Couple in the Kâlibur Woman and , if he finds her , he will love her with the Cold Fire of Himself ; and She will embrace him with the Uncreated Light of her Eternal Spirit , which will be Infinite Blackness for the created Soul . In this third case , surely , Pyrene ' s Promise would have been fulfilled .
Tenth Day
I suppose you , long-suffering Dr . Siegnagel , will await an answer to the pending question : “ What would be the Golen ' s next reaction to the Tartessian power , which developed out of their control and frustrated all their plans ?" This is the answer , very simple , although it will have to be clarified : the Golen directed against Tartessos the Myth of Perseus .
With all rigor , it can be affirmed that that of Perseus , as well as other legends that belatedly have been grouped under the general name of " Greek Myths ", is actually an ancient Pelasgian Myth . The same has happened with some of the " Greek " stories of Heracles : for example , with that in which the hero fights with the Giant Geryon to steal his red oxen and that hides , under a costly symbol for the Pelasgians , an ancient incursion of the primitive Argives against the " triple people " of the Iberians , or Virtriones , in order to conquer the secret of the livestock that they did not know or had lost ; and the proof is that those Argives , " enemies of the Gerions ", considered themselves relatives of these , since Heracles himself was a great-grandson of Perseus . But Perseus was Heracles ' great-grandfather only in the Argive Myth ; truly , the theme is taken from a much older Pelasgian Myth , of Iberian Atlantean origin , which refers to the adventure undertaken by a typical Hyperborean Spirit to achieve immortality and Wisdom . On the foundational theme the Spirit Perseus was not an Argive but a native of the Iberian Atlanteans , that is , of a much more western people ; that is why his feat is not carried out by order of a mere mortal King like Polydectes but of the Goddess of Wisdom , Frya , Navutan ' s wife : all the Names , and the functions of the Gods , were then changed , and disrupted , by the peoples of the Cultural Pact , leaving the story of Perseus in the known form .
The subject is simple and , as soon as I expose it , you will verify that it cannot proceed other than from the Hyperborean Wisdom of the white Atlanteans . A Hyperborean representation of the Origin , as I mentioned earlier , was Thule , the isotropic center from which the Spirit came . Similarly , for the first descendants of the white Atlanteans , the Origin was Pontus , later personified as a God of the Sea and identified with the Wave , surely because their Ancestors came from this " Origin ". This Pontus marries Gea , the Earth , who gives birth , among others , to Phorcys and Ceto , prototypical symbols of hybrid beings , half animals half Gods : in an esoteric background this image alludes to the Spirit contributed by Pontus , the Origin , to the animal man , son of the Earth . The brothers Phorcys and Ceto mate in turn and , together with a series of hybrid Archetypes , give life to three women who are already born " Old ": the Graeae or Greas , that is , the Greys . Naturally , the Graeae are no other than the Vrayas , the Wise Warriors in charge of guarding the Plow of Stone and the Stone of Venus : they are " old " because they must be Wise and those who ignore the meaning of lithic instruments will later affirm that “ between the three they only had one Eye and one Tooth ”.
Perseus is the idealization of the captive Spirit who attempts the feat of breaking free from the material prison ; his goal is to discover the Secret of