The Mistery of Belicena Villca
And then , when I had finished those minor works , I headed towards the black car to calm the understandable curiosity that it itself woke up in me from the moment I knew its existence .
Seen from afar , there was no doubt that it was a classic North American limousine . However , upon close inspection , confusion arose for not being able to establish neither the brand nor the model , as the Salta police claimed ; because it had a brand ; and well visible : " Aviant ". But , who knew that brand ? To what country did it belong to ? Immediately , I was struck by the suspicion that the car was not from this World , that it came from a Reality parallel to ours , where the " Gentlemen " like Bera and Birsha traveled in " Aviant " cars . Anyway , was it really a car ? Yes , it was . An authentic and excellent luxury car , apparently fresh from the factory . I raised the hood and observed a powerful eight-cylinder " V " engine . The keys were on ; I hit the starter and it ran smoothly . And it was useless to check inside because the Demons , they had nothing with them , no papers , no luggage : nothing at all , which indicated that it was not in their plans the possibility of being arrested or questioned on the roads ; or that they did not circulate in any way through the roads and routes of human civilization .
At 8.30 a . m . I leaned back in an armchair in the dining room and slept without interruptions until 1:30 p . m . I made more coffee , toasted breads , and woke up Segundo for the late breakfast . He was amazed to learn that I worked all night and that there were no more traces of the death of the assassins . While he was drinking coffee , I checked his wounds ; I was especially interested in his feet : they were very swollen : --Do you think you can drive the pick-up ? --I asked him . --I ' ll do whatever is necessary --he said bravely-- . The pain does not matter . --It will be at dusk --I explained-- . You will have to drive about fifteen or twenty kilometers to get rid of the killers ' car . But before I will bring you medicines and painkillers : just tell me where is the nearest Pharmacy .
It was in Tafí del Valle , five kilometers away . At 3 p . m ., after roasting a chicken and eating it together , I went to the Pharmacy in the pick-up and bought the tetanus vaccine , syringes , antiinflammatories and painkillers .
At 7:00 p . m . we left the Farm . Segundo would go ahead , in the pickup , and I would follow him on the Aviant . We would take secondary roads normally not transited , as the success of the maneuver would depend on no one seeing the black car , no one who could report it to the police ; and even less the police , who would already have its description .
But everything went well . Segundo , with bandaged fingers , and barefoot , for he could not wear an espadrille , deftly led the truck in the direction of the Sierra del Aconquija . We crossed the Tafí del Valle River , the Blanco River , and entered in an almost impassable road that climbed to the top of the Cerro La Ovejería . I had to perform feats with the huge limo to turn the sharp curves of the cornice road . Finally , a few kilometers before the top , we found the ideal place : the edge of an abyss of a thousand meters or more in depth . There I parked the black car , while Segundo returned back with the pick-up several meters : the path was so narrow that we would have to go back hundreds of meters , until we found a widening that allowed to turn .
Segundo ' s return was necessary to prevent a possible collapse of the road , leaving the pick-up isolated and unable to get off the hill . Because I planned to dynamite the Aviant and that was very likely to happen , as it really happened .
I spilled the contents of a ten liter can of gasoline into the car ; I programmed the electronic detonators with a time of five minutes ; and I placed a bomb on the engine block , another inside the cabin , another in the trunk , and another under the chassis . I then closed the hood , doors and trunk , and I ran to the pick-up , which was waiting for me a hundred meters further back .
The explosion of the four kilograms of TNT was impressive in those mountains which generate long echoes . The car would never be found , as there were only remains of it scattered over hundreds of meters of inaccessible precipice . When the explosion stopped we got a little closer , and we made sure that this would happen , because where the car had been parked the road had disappeared , and the avalanche of stones had washed away the bigger remains to the bottom of the gorge , burying them forever .
I stayed for ten days in the Farm of Belicena Villca , during which I talked a lot with Segundo and we agreed on future steps . I referred him the last parts of the Letter of Belicena Villca and explained that I had real evidence about the possible residence of Noyo Villca : all consisted in locating the mysterious Order of Tyrodal Knights and its Pontiff , Nimrod de Rosario . Since a chapter had closed in my life and there would no longer be turning back , I just had to continue the adventure and start the search for the Order in the Province of Córdoba . Segundo was determined to accompany me on that mission . Besides being also a Hyperborean Initiate , disciple of Belicena Villca , and possessing a logical spiritual interest in the matter , the indian , who was fifty years old , had known Noyo Villca since he was a child and he would do what he could to see him again or give him his help .