The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Thus , we designed a simple plan aimed at solving the last problems that remained for us to finally move to Córdoba . In the Farm there was a fortune in Inga gold , to which Belicena Villca alluded in her letter . Segundo showed me the secret hiding place , near the Menhir , where 250 kg of gold ingots subsisted : originally , the indian explained to me , the gold was the tableware of Princess Quilla , since the Ingas did not give monetary value to such metal ; already in Tucumán , and to avoid possible surprises , the descendants of Lito de Tharsis melted all the utensils in the 17th century and hid the ingots where they still were . The family never needed that reserve , but we could take whatever we wanted , for such was the will of Belicena Villca .
However , in my opinion that wealth belonged to Noyo de Tharsis and it was not convenient to touch it for the moment . With what Uncle Kurt left me , we had more than enough to start . It was therefore essential to ensure the care of the Farm , even if we were absent for a long time . This was taken care of by Segundo , bringing from Tafí del Valle a large kindred that already on other occasions had cohabited the place : they would live in the service house and would guard the place .
Having arranged this , we left on May 4 for Santa María , in the pick-up of Segundo . I never thought of returning to Salta ; but Uncle Kurt ' s business had to be unfailingly cancelled . Apart from the fact that at my uncle ' s Farm awaited me the two most beloved things that I had left in life : the manuscript of Belicena Villca , reproduced in this book , and the manuscript of Konrad Tarstein , of his unreleased book " Secret History of the Thulegesellschaft ", which I hope to publish in the future .
The Farm of Santa María was impossible to sell because Uncle Kurt was not dead but " disappeared " and his will in my favor had no value in this case . But I could rent it and that ' s what I did , agreeing a contract with the Tolaba , who for so many years accompanied my uncle Kurt : they would take care of the little candy factory and of keeping my uncle ' s belongings . They would only pay a moderate annual rent . Of course in the future , if I needed to reduce that property to cash , I would appeal to the well-known resource of falsifying the death certificate of " Cerino Sanguedolce " and enforce the will . But the future is still in the hands of the Gods .
What I could sell was the Farm of Cerrillos , which I did not want to keep for one more minute . Thus , I wrote to my lawyers in Salta so that they put it up for sale immediately and liquidate it as soon as possible . Six months later , in Córdoba , I signed the final documents of the transaction and received an appreciable amount of money . And the last day I was in Santa María , I sent the two packages to Maidana by parcel post , communicating to him in a short note that the commando operation was successful and that it would be useless for anyone to search any longer for the " oriental assassins "; and that , not recovered from the pain for the death of my family , I was embarking on a rest trip at whose return I would meet him . A " white lie ", of course , but what else could I say to Maidana ? Maybe in the future ; maybe if the Gods decide it in the future .
Shields of the Argentinian Provinces .
And here we are in Córdoba , trying to find the blessed Order .
Today is May 30 , 1981 . So , more than a year ago I bought the flat in the center , where I live with Segundo . I just finished this book , in Chapter XVII of the Epilogue , or Prologue , and many will wonder how and why I wrote it . The answer is simple : this book is the product of a reflection , of a written recapitulation of my extraordinary experience with the Hyperborean Wisdom . I had to do it when all attempts to locate the Tyrodal Knights Order failed . Months ago , given the null results of the search ,