The Mistery of Belicena Villca
I verified then that , indeed , the construction of the house followed the layout of the old Tharsy pukara , and that the perimeter fortress was reduced to a low wall , of no more than one meter , to disguise its function of protecting a liberated place . Inside it still existed the ancient cromlech , whose stones formed a huge circle , in whose area the floor of the Farm could easily fit . But I was intrigued by the fate of the Menhir of Tharsy , the one planted by the white Atlanteans to establish the Blood pact with the Lineage of Tharsis and determine its family mission . Taking the diameters of the Cromlech , I looked for the center at their intersection , and I found with intrigue that that central place fell into the interior of the Farm . In the end , I had no doubt that the central site was inside a huge hermetically sealed shed . I cut the chains and padlocks with a suitable pliers , and opened the doors of the shed : unbelievably , after centuries and millennia , the menhir of Tharsy was still in its place of origin . It was of green stone and showed at its base the millennial apacheta of Vultan : purihuaca voltan guanancha unanchan huañuy . On the apacheta was for four hundred and forty-three years the Wise Sword of the House of Tharsis , guarded as in Huelva by tireless Noyos and Vrayas descendants of Lito de Tharsis . Faced with that attitude of respect and trust in the Loyal Gods , assumed in millennia of patient guarding , what did my current anxieties mean , my selfish anguishes ? The imposing menhir , and its rustic stone altar , had the virtue of making me ashamed of myself , of my human weaknesses , and of strengthening my will to continue until the End .
Counting on all the vain and cruel efforts made in the past by the Demons Bera and Birsha , no wonder the hatred that would awaken in them that Farm in which the members of the House of Tharsis lived out of their reach preserving the Venus Stone of the Wise Sword . But They were late , they always arrived late to America : they failed to exterminate the Skiold ' s lineage with the Diaguitas- Hebrews , nor with the Spaniards of Diego de Almagro , of Diego de Rojas , and many others ; not even the murder of Belicena Villca was of any use to them because She wisely misled them ; nor the extermination of the Von Sübermann allowed them to finish off Uncle Kurt . America had been fatal to them ! They did not know where Noyo Villca was with the Wise Sword and they wanted to take revenge on the indian Segundo , sacrificing him by means of horrible torture before departing from the unpredictable World of the House of Tharsis . And they had been attacked and killed when they least expected it . Like a boomerang , their own blows returned against them ; as in a Jiu-Jitsu blow , their enemies took advantage of their own movements and turned their forces against them .
In the shed that kept the pick-up there were all kinds of tools . I went there , took a wide shovel , and started looking for a suitable place to dig the graves . Fifty meters from the House grew a dense reedbed of tacuaras that seemed to me would be the ideal place : it would be difficult to penetrate the layer of roots , but after a few days no one would discover the slightest trace of the removal . I came back to the house twice and loaded the damn corpses on a wheelbarrow to facilitate transportation ; on the last trip I also took a machete to open the shrub vegetation . I looked at the house clock and found that it was pointing 3 a . m . on April 23 . Mine , on the other hand , showed 1.30 a . m . On April 26 . Logically , I synchronized my watch with the local quadrant .
So , at 6 a . m ., three hours later , I finished the macabre task of burying the ruined corpses of the oriental assassins . It was already dawn and I felt exhausted , psychically and physically exhausted . And there were still several things to do , unavoidable matters that did not admit delay . One of them wasto consummate the destruction of the assassin ' s black car , in order to avoid the police tracking : but , for that , I needed the help of Segundo .
I drank a new cup of coffee and then started pouring buckets of soapy water in the yard , to remove the traces of blood , a precaution that more than avoiding the police investigations was aimed at thwarting the action even more terrible of the Tucumán flies . In the light of day , I discovered next to a tree , fifteen steps away from the front door , the jacket and all the weapons of Uncle Kurt : evidently he had abandoned them before leaving , when he called silently the Daivas dogs . At that moment , I thought my will would break again . But I got over it and joined those objects with the rest of my equipment .
I could no longer continue in commando dress , especially if I were to get out of the Farm , so I gave myself to carry out a thorough inspection of the interior of the house . I discarded the indian ' s clothing , due to its appreciably smaller size than mine , and I hoped that Noyo Villca had more build and that his clothes were preserved . I finally found his room , after going through the deceased ' s Belicena , and I found , indeed , an assorted wardrobe : I found a pair of jeans , more or less my size , and a similar shirt . I decided to stay with the Maidana boots , and I made two large packages with the weapons and the combat clothes : I only left the four TNT bombs unwrapped .
In a shoebox , of the vilest cardboard , I deposited the nefarious Dordje , the Scepter of Power that Rigden Jyepo gave to the Demons Bera and Birsha , together with the stone padmas , the Esther earrings of Avalokiteshvara .