The Mistery of Belicena Villca too ! Those Sons of a Bitch exterminated your family , as well as the House of Tharsis and my own Lineage ! --I exclaimed with exaggerated euphoria .
--And how do you know that ? --asked the indian in the height of amazement-- . You ' re not from the Army ?
--Ha , Ha , Ha --I laughed heartily , upon discovering the impression that caused the commando uniform-- . No , man , no . I do not belong to the Armed Forces . The one who was a member of the Army was Noyo Villca , as you well know . Don ' t you remember me ? I am Arturo Siegnagel , the psychiatrist who attended Belicena Villca in Salta . She told me everything in a long letter : for example , I know that you descend from the People of the Moon , who lived on Koaty Island in Lake Titicaca , and that your remote ancestors resided in Scandinavia , in the country of King Kollman , of the lineage of Skiold .
--Ah , the Doctor . Yes , I remember you . I was aware that Mrs . Belicena wrote a letter with information about the House of Tharsis , but I did not know who would be its recipient .
And you say --he added-- that these torturers are the same Beraj and Birchaj who guided the malones of Diaguitas-Hebrew indians more than six hundred years ago , under the command of Cacique Cari , in the invasion of the Island of the Sun ?
--They were --I corrected him-- . Indeed , they were the same ones , though perhaps they used other bodies ; I don ' t know that exactly . But what is certain is that it ' s been three months since they murdered Belicena Villca in the Hospital , and only four days that they wiped out my whole family ; because of these damn Demons , we are only three the remaining survivors of three spiritual Lineages : Noyo Villca , of the House of Tharsis ; Segundo , from the House of Skiold ; and Arturo Siegnagel , from the Von Sübermann House . Belicena Villca asks me in her letter to look for Noyo Villca in Córdoba , and she assures me that you will help me . She also recommends me to be very careful with Bera and Birsha , who were powerful Devils ; but you see : despite the blows they gave us , and thanks to the help of the Gods , we were able to finish for the moment with Them . There will be other Demons that will certainly chase us , and a thousand unknown dangers , but it is unlikely that Bera and Birsha will return to the World of the Blood of Tharsis ; in the other Worlds of Illusion , however , they will continue to exist ; and woe to those spiritual men who do not find soon the World of the House of Tharsis ! What do you think , Segundo ? Will you help me ?
--Yes , of course ! You know , Dr . Siegnagel , that She for those of my Race was a Queen : her wishes are orders to me . She asked me not to go anymore to the Salta Hospital because she was being watched and suspected that they were going to kill her : and I followed her orders to the letter ; I did not go to Salta again and did not respond to the correspondence from the Hospital , the Judge , the Police , etc . And nobody came here because this house is very difficult to find . Your powers must be great to have arrived like this , by surprise , and managed to massacre the Demons . You have saved my life , and surely you have spared me a terrible previous suffering ! But I do not know to what extent to thank you , since , as you will understand , I ' m fed up of living .
I understood him perfectly since I was also fed up with living ; and if I went ahead , like that Germanic indian , it would be exclusively for Honor , because it was an Honor to stay to comply with the mission that one had been assigned by the Gods who led the Essential War , and because after the Final Battle , once the accounts have been settled with the Powers of Matter , we would definitely return to the Origin of the Uncreated Spirit . I saw the face of Segundo decomposed from pain and ran to an adjoining shed to look for the first-aid kit that was in the glove compartment of a pick-up . With patience , I disinfected the twenty fingers and I bandaged them one by one . I brought the sedative pills with me , and I made him swallow two : four milligrams that would make him sleep until noon .
Before finishing the cure he was already nodding off from sleep , so I took him to his room , making him step on his heels , and I left him lying in his humble carob tree bed .
I heated coffee , and drank it now more calmly sitting on a kitchen chair . The encounter with Segundo had calmed me down a lot and now I was meditating on the next steps to follow . On the table I placed the jug of acid , transmuted as a very black liquid but of light density . To recover the stone roses , the earrings of Avalokiteshvara , I would pour out that unusable substance in the sink , and would neutralize residual acidity with a powerful concentrated detergent that I discovered in a closet . One minute later , the Esther earrings were in my pocket , already empty of weapons . Certainly we exaggerated the artillery , and now they rested on the table , the Itaka , fifty cartridges , the submachine gun with its uncomfortable shoulder holster , its chargers , the ten fragmentation grenades , the TNT , and the mountain knife . With a looser body , I made sure with discretion of Segundo ' s deep Sleep , and I decided to take care of removing the remains of the oriental assassins . Armed with a powerful twelve-unit lantern , I explored the surroundings of the Farm .