The Mistery of Belicena Villca such a disappearance happened in the thirteenth century , seven hundred years ago : at least it seemed risky , if not absurd , to relate this fact to that . And however , against all logical arguments , the accident seemed to me suggestive . And I haven ' t changed my mind : I had the little hand set on a handle made of silver , I added a chain and hung it around my neck . How did it fall on my head , or from where ? I don ' t know ; if it ' s the same hand from the XIII century , I don ' t know either ; And what does it mean that it fell against my head at that moment , is something that belongs to the realm of the darkest enigmas . But I like the piece and I will carry it with me till the End .
Chapter XVII There is very little that remains for me to add to this Epilogue , or Prologue . Gone through the shock that Uncle Kurt ' s departure undoubtedly caused me , evidenced in the abnormal serenity with which I began to reflect on the symbols of the Sword , Dogs , Birds and Beasts , and gotten over the painful effect of the blow to the head , I began to become aware of reality and my nervous system went into violent crisis . Inside I felt like I was breaking down , and I tried to keep armed on the outside , shouting a thousand insults and oaths against all of our enemies , and from which in the end our Comrades and allies were not excluded : Belicena Villca , her son Noyo , Captain Kiev , the Loyal Siddhas , the Führer , and even the Incognizable , were encompassed by my irreproducible blasphemies . I will not justify myself , since the known events explain this irrational reaction . How could my will not be broken , if within four days my family was atrociously murdered , my entire family , close and distant relatives , and the only survivor outside of me , Uncle Kurt , had just left never to return ?
I went crazy . I yelled insults and helplessly kicked the corpses of the oriental assassins . With irrational aggressiveness , I was about to empty into those diabolical bodies the charges of the useless submachine gun , when groans coming from the inside providentially brought me to reality . I was not alone ! I suddenly remembered that during the attack we had heard some screams of pain .
With my face still decomposed with fury , some insane gleam in my eyes , and pistol in hand , I entered the house decisively , causing the consequent alarm of the person who was tied up on the table of the dining room . It was Segundo , the Indian descendant of the People of the Moon , who Belicena Villca mentioned in her letter , and whom I saw a couple of times as visitor at the Neuropsychiatric Hospital of Salta .
He looked terrible , because Bera and Birsha had pulled his fingernails from his hands and feet ; however , he should be grateful to the Gods , and to Operation Boomerang , because the Demons lacked time to cut off his tongue and ears , and empty his eyes , and finally skin him or slit his throat . When I untied him and asked if there was a first aid kit , the Indian regained his speech . – And the two men ? – he asked with caution . --They weren ' t men --I answered badly-- but the Demons Bera and Birsha . They are both dead , out there : we killed them with the shots that you heard . And now my uncle is chasing them to the bottom of the Central Abyss of the Universe , to a hellish place from which they may not be able to return ever .
Now I understand that such an answer was improper and absurd to offer to an unknown indian who might not have the slightest idea what I was telling him . But I suffered from the effects of shock and crisis and I did not stop to think about what I was saying . Rather , I permanently cursed myself for all my mistakes : for being the cause of the Demons discovering the World and the address where my family lived ; because in the attack plan I forgot to consider the compassionate action of Avalokiteshvara ; and for ignoring the bad feeling that Uncle Kurt ' s farewell in Cerrillos gave me , before levitating with the Daivas dogs : Uncle Kurt knew what was going to happen , that we were going to be tested by the Maternal Passion of Avalokiteshvara , who would mercifully defend the Immortals , and that in all probability he should depart in pursuit of the Demons , to keep their fear awake ; and that is why he wanted to say goodbye before entering operations ! And I was the imbecile that continued until the end with the plan , not paying attention to anything , underestimating Uncle Kurt ' s ability ! Now I was alone , more alone than Uncle Kurt in his exile , although he claimed otherwise to comfort me and give me courage !
Such were the thoughts that occupied my mind when I responded to the indian in the above manner . Fortunately , I was not entirely alone : the indian repeated , with even greater caution : – Beraj and Birchaj ? It is possible that just in this moment I realized that the indian was real . --Beraj ...? I repeated , trying to remember where I had heard before that pronunciation . Then I remembered the Letter of Belicena Villca and the story of the People of the Moon . So you know them