The Mistery of Belicena Villca not need me any more ; you do not need anything or anyone . Goodbye neffe ; we will meet again during the Final Battle . Heil Hitler !
--Heil Hitler ! – I answered mechanically , while the roar of an indescribable Beast thundered the space and a gust of supernatural , icy wind , struck me like a whip and shook the trees and kicked up clouds of dust .
I looked in the direction the Boars had fled , that is , towards the South , and I swear I last observed Uncle Kurt . Or at least that impression I received . Because I saw , or thought I saw , contrasted by the starry sky , a Beast running after two bright stars that were moving away in fear : sometimes it seemed like a Bear , sometimes a Wolf ; and their roars and howls grew less loud until they were completely extinguished . I felt healthy : it was the Plague that was going away .
Thoughtful , still looking towards the Southern Cross , I remembered the Letter of Belicena Villca , the part where Rabbi Benjamin referred to Bera the Mystery of the weakness of the Chosen People : “ Jehovah warned the People of Israel about four kinds of evils , against which they would be weak : Beware of the Sword , because It can kill you ; Beware of the Dogs , because They can tear you apart ; Beware of the Birds of the Sky , because They can devour you ; Beware of the Beasts of the Earth , because They will annihilate you ( Jer . 15 )”. There in the soil of the Farm , lay the lifeless human bodies of Bera and Birsha : they had been weak , strategically weak . And in their case , the symbols warned by Jehovah , all four had intervened at the same time :
Sword : the Wise Sword of the House of Tharsis . Dogs : the Daivas dogs . Birds : the Virgin of Agartha , and every Lady Kâlibur , whose Infinite Blackness devours the light of the Souls . Beasts : the Berserkr and the Ulfhednar , that is , the Bear-Men and the
Wolf-Men , of Frya Stone .
And they were worthless on this occasion , the " remedies " proposed by Bera : the Peace of Gold ; the Illusion of Rage ; the Illusion of the Earth ; and the Illusion of Heaven . We had won the game against the Demons , but never ever , until today , I saw Uncle Kurt again .
Chapter XVI
This was followed by a phenomenon that I have decided to expose separately , because I still haven ' t found a convincing explanation for it . As I said , I was still looking at the Sky , towards the Southern Cross and thinking about the things I mentioned , trying to dominate the nostalgia for Uncle Kurt ' s departure , trying to overcome nervous depression .
The blow was violent , forceful , in the center of the skull , some centimeters above the spot where Uncle Kurt hit me with his accurate pistol-whip . I fell to the ground , struck down , seeing stars that weren ' t exactly the product of an alchemical process , but aware that something had fallen from the Sky on my head , something of small size and considerable weight . I got up , still dazed , and I began to search around with the help of the flashlight pen . It didn ' t take long for me to find the projectile , the cause of the bump , the painful effects of which lasted several days and whose scar I retain : as is easy to imagine , it was a stone .
But this was an artistically carved stone , and it was obvious that it belonged to a larger set , from which it was fractured . It was the hand of a Stone child , mutilated at the wrist , expressing the Bala 73 Mudra 74 , the Internal Salute of the House of Tharsis : the index and thumb fingers , were stretched forming the right angle ; and the middle , ring , and pinky fingers , were flexed on the palm of the hand .
Finding the stone hand , I instantly remembered the Thirty-third Day of the Letter of Belicena Villca , and then I verified it by rereading that paragraph over and over again : on that day Belicena narrated the extermination of her Lineage carried out by Bera and Birsha , by transmuting the uninitiated members of the House of Tharsis , like those of my family , in Judean bitumen . It was then when the Noyo , Noso de Tharsis , reached the church of the Virgin of the Grotto , in Turdes , to rescue the image from the widespread looting of Lugo da Braga . And it was while fulfilling this task that he verified that the Stone Child had been amputated the hand expressing the Bala Vrune . But
73 Strength .
Expression .