The Mistery of Belicena Villca were fleeing towards the Beginning of Time ! Had the plan worked , after all , despite the intervention of Avalokiteshvara ? How did Uncle Kurt do it , how did he make sure that the Dea Mater ' s Mercy did not calm the panic of the Immortals Bera and Birsha ? Yes , now I remembered : with their hearts in the Sulfur Philosophorum , with their Souls in the glass of alchemist projections , had led Bera and Birsha into the future , into the Final Battle , when the Dragon would lose its Power ; And there they had suffered more terror than the death of their physical bodies by our gunshots .
Of all the possible Futures , it is possible to expect one that corresponds to the World " that Wothan affirms from the Origin ", the World that constitutes " the Reality of the Blood of Tharsis ”. To that Future , in which the Spirit will triumph over the Powers of Matter , had been carried alchemistically the Souls of Bera and Birsha : to the Battle of Chang Shambhala , to the Final Battle ; to the Defeat of Chang Shambhala , to the Defeat of Zion ; and the Terror of Chang Shambhala ' s End , of the End of Zion , caused the return of Bera and Birsha to the Beginning of Time , to the point where all possible Futures settle and where Chang Shambhala or Zion does not have its End determined before the End of Time . Because the one I saw in the matrix is an Uncreated Future , not foreseen by the Creator , only possible in the World of the Blood of Tharsis , in the World of the Reality of the Führer : and Uncle Kurt had shown blind faith in that Uncreated Future , in which the spiritual men would rise like Beasts against the Lamb and the “ one hundred and forty-four thousand ” Priests of Israel . I think that the success of the alchemist transmutation , and the terror infused into the Immortals Bera andBirsha , were fundamentally due to that unshakable faith that Uncle Kurt professed for the Führer and his Future .
Although he strangely claimed that the Work was mine . But I sheltered the certainty that it was he who marked the Hot Stones , the Souls of Bera and Birsha , monads on the Primordial Chaos , with the Sign of the Origin , with the " Abominable Sign " that the Demons feared . And their Souls had precipitated the Stone of the Beginning , the lapis ignis , and now they should be in the Beginning . With panic , in the Beginning : the goal of the plan . I forgot the Mercy of Avalokiteshvara , but thanks to Uncle Kurt the goal had been achieved .
By the way , where was Uncle Kurt ? He was starting to worry me , when I heard his voice : it came from above , and it sounded ironic and calm .
– I was right , neffe : The Immortals cannot die . And you were right : their fear would make them flee towards the Beginning . This is a tie , don ' t you think ? now I must go after them , Bear against Bees , Wolf against Pigs , I must chase them till the Beginning : only then will the End be equal to the Beginning , the Power will become Act , the Possible will become Real , the Work will be Present between the End and the Beginning ; and you will be able to fulfill your mission .
I knew what was going on : Uncle Kurt had elevated with the Daivas dogs until getting out of my reach . His decision was therefore irrevocable . I felt like dying of sadness and desolation . My legs loosened . A knot tied my throat . Yet I cried out helplessly : --Uncle Kurt , don ' t go ! Don ' t leave me alone here ! Then I heard that thunderous laugh that my uncle emitted with unavoidable spontaneity : it was not a mockery , but the expression of state of mind .
– And you are the one who questioned my stubbornness , when I resisted staying alone in this Hell , after the Second War ? --he asked laughing-- . Well remember that I endured 35 years : you will have to put up with a lot less . Come on , be brave Neffe Arturo ! Or will I have to ask you like Belicena Villca if you are able to be a Kshatriya ? But I know you understand why I do it : it is part of the Führer ' s Strategy . The hunt that I now begin soon will be imitated by thousands of Stonewolf-men . I will have the Honor of determining the End of the Era of the Boar and the Bee , as well as the Spike of the Virgin will destroy the Age of the Dove . You are like me and I am like you . And if I am , you are : that was the great Strategy of the Von Sübermann Lineage , which we could not know until now ; the secret of the Tulkus . Today , the Sign of the Origin is in you , in the lobe of your ears ; and those who have the Pure Blood will see it . That is why the lapis philosophorum took the form of the flowers of stone : because such lotuses are the adornment of Avalokiteshvara ' s earrings , the pendants that the Merciful one places in the ears of the signaled with the Sign of the Origin , to cover the Sign of the Origin . You have obtained them in the matrix of projections because your own Sign of the Origin has been uncovered : Their covers have fallen ! And that is the Great Work ! You are now the Sign of the Origin , and you are , in the Origin of the Eternal and Uncreated Spirit , equal to Me ! I could never see the Sign of the Origin , remember ?; but we both saw it today : you in me , and I in you , in the projection on the Hot Stone . Separated we would never have seen it . That ' s why it was good to be with you , neffe ; because together we will fulfill the mission of our Lineage : we will do it for Honor , since we saw the Origin , and we have the Origin , and we can return whenever we want to the Origin . You do