The Mistery of Belicena Villca immortal eyes of the Dragon shed innumerable tears ; tears that roll towards the quadruple Wailing Wall ; Tears of Mercy for the Children of Israel . But the wolf-men do not give in and sink their tusks in the Children of Israel , in the Lamb , and in the Dragon . And the Virgin of Agartha nails her banner to the Wailing Wall , which is like the Heart of Binah , the owner of all hearts : yes ; in the heart of Avalokiteshvara has been planted the Sign of the Vril , the Mark that causes the Black , the Hard and the Cold of the Stones , and through the Wailing Wall run Her tears as arising from a miraculous waterfall . And a hard and frozen darkness fall on Zion : it is the Cold Death of the Virgin ; the death that snatches the warmth from the hearts of the Lamb and the one hundred and forty-four thousand Saints of Israel ; Death unleashed by those who see in the darkness , the Stone wolf-men who form the Führer ' s Army . – What do you see now ? --The Final Battle continues on Earth , but I can no longer see what there happens , as I see the White Boars fleeing in panic to hide in Heaven : they are being pursued by the Army-pack of wolf-men-of-Stone ! But in Heaven only remain a quarter of the stars !
--The moment has arrived ! The End is the same as the Beginning ! – exclaimed surprisingly Uncle Kurt .
Chapter XV
I was startled by those unexpected words from Uncle Kurt . However , he asked next : – What do you see now ? – The twin Boars have ascended to the Starry Sky looking for the Dragon . But the Dragon is not in Heaven but in the Final Battle . And the Wild Boars have turned into stars again , and have placed themselves under the feet of the Virgin , near the raven . And in the sky many constellations are missing , like a book of images that had many pages torn off . – What do you see now ? --The stars of Heaven , all that were left , leave their spots and revolve around the two Boar-stars .
It is the chaos primordialis , the massa confusa !
– I will project the Sign of the Origin on the massa confusa ! --yelled Uncle Kurt . Apparently located now very close to me , behind me . I imagined his empty black basins , deep and infinite , peering into the alchemist bowl , whose shiny surface would without remedy house what he was : the Sign of the Origin , the Sign of the Vril , the Mark of the Virgin , the Sign of Lucifer , the Sign of Shiva . I imagined it , because I did not want to look at him and see , as before , the Death Frya , the Bear Man and the Wolf Man .
In the matrix , the surface of the Sulfur Philosophorum showed the image of a swirl of lumen naturae revolving around the two twin stars , the monads of Bera and Birsha . When the first Rune reflected on them , they lost much of their shine and began to solidify . And so they continued , dimming and solidifying , as the other Runes followed in succession . And when , at last , the thirteen Runes had been formed , the two stars underwent a metamorphosis and transformed into flowers of Stone . So , as if Uncle Kurt had asked me the question , I described out loud what I saw :
– The stars are now two stone flowers ; they are two padmas or lotuses : Esther is the name of those Stones . And the thirteen Runes move and associate with each other in an incomprehensible way . And the thirteen Runes form a Sign that disintegrates the swirl , the chaos confusum , and replaces it with the most impenetrable darkness ; only the stone flowers have remained in the Sulfur Philosophorum : and now they precipitate to the bottom of the matrix . Opus consumatum est ! 71
--You now have two lapis philosophorum ! --Uncle Kurt said-- . You have completed the Work , through the Virgin , because you have seen the Work ! And you have received the descensus spiritus sancti creator ! You are just like me , and I am just like you ! Naturalissimun et perfectissimun opus est generare tale quale ipsum est ! 72 . Suddenly I realized that the roars , growls and barks had been silenced . I turned abruptly and searched for Uncle Kurt with the look : I did not see him anywhere . Instead I observed two white spots that were moving away towards the sky . I sharpened the eyesight and thought I distinguished two wild boars that were fleeing in a panic , their hair bristled and grunting in terror . Nature had quieted and the ectoplasmic clouds were no longer over the corpses of the oriental assassins . The Boars were the Souls of Bera and Birsha that
71 The Work is done .
72 The most natural and perfect Work consists in creating something equal to Himself .