THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 551

The Mistery of Belicena Villca and they have no rest day or night those who worship the Beast and its image , and those who receive the Mark of its name ”. " Here is the perseverance of the Chosen People , those who keep Jehovah ' s commandments and the faith in the Messiah !" – What do you see now ? – Another Immortal Angel . Signals the city that is on Mount Zion , in the middle of the sea of bleach , and says : " behold the bride , the wife of the Lamb ”! This Angel speaks to those who worship the Lamb , and promises them the salvation from the wolf-men hiding in the City of Jehovah . This is how he speaks to them :
" A city will come down from Heaven , on Mount Zion , on behalf of Jehovah . Its radiance will be like precious stone , like a jasper stone that emits crystalline sparkles . It will have a great and high wall , in which there will be twelve doors ; and on the doors , twelve Angels ; and names written on , which are those of the twelve Tribes of the Children of Israel . To the Orient , three doors ; to the South , three doors ; and to the Occident , three doors . The city wall will have twelve bases ; and on them , twelve names , those of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb ”. And the Angel uses a gold cane to measure the city , its gates and its wall . “ The city will be settled in a quadrangular shape ; and its length will be as much as its width ”. And he measures the city with the cane and it has twelve thousand stadia . Its length , its width , and its height , are equal . And he measures the wall and it has a hundred and forty four cubits , according to human measure , which is that of the Angel . And the Angel says :
“ The material of the wall will be jasper , and the city of pure gold similar to pure crystal . The bases of the city walls will be adorned with all kinds of precious stones . First base will be jasper ; the second sapphire ; the third , chalcedony ; the fourth , emerald ; the fifth , sardonyx ; the sixth , carnelian ; the seventh , chrysolite ; the eighth , beryl ; the ninth , topaz ; the tenth , agate ; the eleventh , hyacinth ; and the twelfth , amethyst . The twelve gates will be twelve pearls ; each of the doors will be of a single pearl , like shiny crystal . There will not be sanctuary in it ; for its Sanctuary will be Elohim , Jehovah Sebaoth , and the Lamb . And the city will not need the Sun or the Moon to illuminate it ; because the Glory Sefirot of Jehovah will illuminate it and its lamp will be the Lamb . And the Nations will walk in the light of it , and the Kings of the Earth will bring their Glory to it . Its doors will never be closed by day , and there will never be night there . And they will bring to it the Glory and honor of the Nations . They shall not enter into it anything impure , not consecrated by the Priests of Israel , nor those who bear the Abominable Sign , but those inscribed in the Lamb ' s book of life ”. – What do you see now ? --A River of living water , from which all created things come out , which arises from the Keter
Trunk of Jehovah and the Lamb . The Angel pronounces the last words :
“ In the middle of the place , and on one side and the other of this River , there will be a Tree of Life that will bear twelve fruits , one each month . And the leaves of the Pomegranate Tree will serve to heal the Nations of the sin against Jehovah . And then there will be no condemnation for anyone , and the Trunk of Jehovah and the Lamb will be there , and his servants will worship him . They will see his face , and bear His Name on the forehead . There will no longer be night , nor infinite blackness , but they will not need light of lamp or sunlight ; for Jehovah Elohim will give light to them , and they will reign for centuries on end ”. --What do you see now ? – I see the Final Battle . I see the Führer and his Army of wolf-men take by assault the Island of Zion , and surprise Celestial Jerusalem , which is Chang Shambhala , and cause great slaughter among its inhabitants . Neither Thuban and the three quarters of Heaven , garrison posts , manage to stop the raging pack ! The Lamb and the 144,000 Priests are cornered in the Damned City , built with the body of the Dragon ! And they die for thousands : they ' d rather die than see the Vril Sign of the wolf-men ! And the Dragon-City throbs and writhes , unable to shake off the wolf-men . And the