THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 550

The Mistery of Belicena Villca has returned to wage war against the Lamb and the hundred forty four thousand ! His roar thunders the Earth , and in His wake the Desert Stones rise up , the ones that bear the Sign of the Vril ! And the Frozen Stones by the Virgin of Agartha are also wolf-men who howl with irrepressible fury !
I am not exaggerating at all if I assure you that the roar that arose in that moment from where Uncle Kurt was standing , monotonously asking " what do you see now ?”, made the earth tremble . I described how much I saw on the surface of the aqua vitae of the jug , but my words had acquired a prophetic formality that was formed directly in the unconscious . For some time now I no longer reasoned what I said : I simply expressed what filled my mind , that at that point I could not explain if I really saw it or imagined it . What , of course , was not the product of my imagination , was the transmutation of Uncle Kurt and his bestial roars and howls ; nor the two ectoplasmic Boars that , increasingly sharper and clearer , materialized on the corpses of the two oriental assassins .
To the roars of the bear-man , the Boars responded with the accursed honeybee buzz that I also knew now ; but when the man-wolf howled , the Wild Boars trembled in panic , their hair bristled with terror and growling in despair . And I , upon perceiving what was happening around me , was trying to keep my eyes hypnotically fixed on the matrix with the acid and the hearts , contemplating visions that , with all the fantastic they could be , were less terrible than the Reality of the Farm of Belicena Villca . --What do you see now ? --Uncle Kurt ' s voice asked clearly . --I see a huge Army advance made up of those who carry the Mark of the Virgin and are like the Beast , the Enemies of the Lamb . And I see that they go led by the Führer , who is like a furious wolf , and accompanied by the Virgin , who flies over them carrying the banner of the Sign of the Vril and of the Spike . And the Army of wolves is approaching the sea of bleach ! And the Lamb , and the one hundred and forty-four thousand members of the Chosen People , are established in a White Island located towards the center of the sea of bleach , which had been formed with the top of Mount Zion ! Celestial Jerusalem and Chang Shambala are the names of that island . – What do you see now ? --The Lamb , standing on Mount Zion , and with it one hundred and forty-four thousand that have its name and their Father ' s name written on their foreheads . And I hearvoices from Heaven that sound with the harmony of the multiple Nature . And they sing a new song before the Throne of Jehovah , before the ten Sefirot , before the Elders of Israel , and before the Shekhinah . No one can learn the Canticle of the Creation , but those one hundred and forty-four thousand who were rescued from the Earth . These are the ones who do not know the love of women because they are sodomite Priests . These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever it goes . These constitute the Hierarchy of Souls , which goes from man to Jehovah and the Lamb . They do not know the Truth of Creation . They are perfect animal-men . – What do you see now ? – I now observe an Epoch before the fall of the Dragon : they are seen on the Earth the men who already had the Vril Sign and some Angels of the Dragon that threaten them from Heaven . One of them , the one that flies highest in Heaven , carries the Gospel of the Lamb and announces the Holocaust of Fire to the inhabitants of the Earth , to all Nation and Tribe , and language and People , and says with great voice :
“ Fear the Lord and give him glory , because the hour of his judgment has arrived . Worship the one who created Heaven and Earth and the Sea and the springs of water ”.
And another Angel , the second , continued saying : " It fell , it fell , Babylon , the great , the one that gave the wine of the Universal Empire to all Nations ”.
And another Angel , the Third , continued , saying with a great voice : " If anyone adores the Beast and its image and receives its Mark on the forehead or the hand , he also shall drink of the wine of the Lord ' s fury , pure wine , concentrated , human bleach , in the cup of his wrath . And he will be tormented with Fire and Brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb . The smoke of his torment rises for centuries on end ;