THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 549

The Mistery of Belicena Villca a unique Sign that signifies the black , the hard and the cold . And the Mark of the Virgin is called " Sign of the Vril ". – What do you see now ? – Now the Lamb is lost between the Darkness and the Hardness , and the Coldness of the Stones . And he desperately calls upon his Mother , the Dragon Binah , because the Stones threaten to strangle his throat or submerge it into thesea of bleach . – What do you see now ? --The Virgin is pregnant , and screams from the pains of childbirth and the anguish of the delivery . And another Sign appeared in the Sky : the red-hot Dragon , which has a thousand heads and a thousand eyes , and a thousand stars of David in its heads . Its tail sweeps out three-quarters of the stars in Heaven and throws them to Earth ; and they descend on the sea of bleach commanded by the star Thuban . And the Dragon also descends to take care of the Lamb and attack the Virgin . – What do you see now ? --The Dragon stopped before the Virgin who was about to give birth , to devour her child when She gave birth . And She gave birth to a Stone Child , the one who is to rule all Nations with a Trident of Vraja : Führer is the name of the Stone Child . But his son was protected from the Dragon by being confused among the Desert Stones . And the Virgin took refuge in the Desert , where She has a place arranged by the Incognizable to reside for two thousand one hundred and eightyeight days . – What do you see now ? – There is a battle in Heaven . Kristos-Lucifer , and Captain Kiev , and the Loyal Siddhas , rose to fight the Dragon . The Dragon presented battle and also its Immortal Angels , its Boars and stars . But it did not prevail nor was there a place for them in Heaven . The Great Dragon was precipitated , the one called Jehovah and Satan , the one who organizes the entire Universe ; it was precipitated to Earth , and its Angels were precipitated with it . – What do you see now ? – I hear a great Voice in Heaven that says : " Now the Liberation has arrived and the Power and the Kingdom of the Incognizable , and the Empire of his Kristos . Because the chainer of Our Comrades has been precipitated , the one who day and night signalled them before the view of the Incognizable . But the Loyal Siddhas have beaten him with the Pure Blood , and for the testimony of Courage that they gave ; because they did not love the warm life so much to avoid Death . For this fear , Heavens , and those who dwell in them . Woe to the land and sea ! Because the Devil has come down to you , possessed of great fury , knowing that he has little time left ”. – What do you see now ? --When the Dragon was precipitated to Earth , it pursued the Virgin that had given birth to the Stone Child . But the Virgin had at Her disposal both wings of the Great Kondor , and She could fly to the Desert , to her home , where she would resist for a cycle , and for two cycles , and for half a cycle , far from the presence of the Dragon . The Dragon vomited out of its mouths , behind the Virgin , bleach like a River , to make the River carry Her away . But the Desert helped the Virgin . And the Desert opened its mouth and swallowed the new River of bleach that the Dragon had vomited ; and drained it toward the sea of bleach , where the Lamb and the one hundred and forty-four thousand were . And the Dragon was enraged against the Virgin and went to wage war against the rest of Her descendants , those who display Her Mark and have the Testimony of Kristos Lucifer . And it stood on the shore of the sea of bleach . – What do you see now ? – I see a man with the Power of a Beast rise from the Desert ! He is a being half man-half bear , or half man-half wolf ; for moments he is like a bear and for moments he is like a wolf ; when he must face the Bees of Israel he is as a bear and when he has to fight against the Lamb he is similar to the wolf ! It ' s the Son of the Virgin of Agartha who has grown like Stone in the Desert ; It ' s the Führer who