THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 548

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– What do you see now ?
--I see the Wild Boars take shelter in the Dragon ' s lap ! And I see the Dragon : it has a thousand heads and a thousand eyes ; and on each head a Star of David ; and in each head appears the Face of Binah ; and its thousand mouths sing the Song of the Lamb . The Dragon cradles the Lamb and the Boars in its arms , on the right and on the left , they growl incessantly . And in chorus with the Dragon , and the Boars , the three quarters of the stars in Heaven sing like this : Avalokiteshvara . Great Mother Binah ! It ' s coming , it ' s coming . The Final Holocaust ! – What do you see now ? – The Dragon Binah holds the Lamb with its right hand , while with the left holds an overflowing cup with human bleach . Now it spills the contents of the cup on Earth ! – What do you see now ? – The same stars sing : Avalokiteshvara , Great Mother Binah ! Your Mercy , your Mercy ! washes the Earth with Jehovah ' s bleach ! – What do you see now ? – The bleach falls to Earth . Two White Boars soar through the Sky from East to West announcing loudly : " The Plague , the Plague !" Everything that the bleach touches perishes : the Earth becomes a Desert of Stones ! Only forty-four hundred thousand survive , who belong to the House of Israel : but these flee from the Desert and take refuge in a valley , which will then be flooded by bleach . And the Dragon , and the Boars , are enraged because there are still the Stones of the Desert , because the bleach has not calcined and dissolved them like the rest of the living beings ! – What do you see now ? – The Dragon then sends the Lamb guarded by its brothers , the twin Wild Boars , to graze on
Earth ! But the Earth is barren and the Lamb faints among the Stones , unable to feed itself ! – What do you see now ? – The Dragon , owner of terrible anger , curses the Stones and the Desert of Stones ! And screams that it will seek the Lamb before the Desert kills it ! --What do you see now ? --The filthy bleach fallen from Heaven , and the dirt that it managed to tear from the Earth , slided into a valley , East of the Desert of Stones , and formed a great sea ! Eden and Paradise , are the names of that sea ; and Tartarus and Tharsis , are the names of the Desert of Stones ! – What do you see now ? – The Desert has pushed the Lamb towards its shore , which is also the shore of the sea of bleach !
The Dragon , in Heaven , shouts again that it will help its son , who stands between Eden and Tartarus ! – What do you see now ? – The thousand eyes of the Dragon , bright as Suns , are concentrated on the Desert of Stones and Stones suffer mortal suffocation . Most of the Stones soften and melt , and the Desert becomes a huge lake of boiling lava : only the hardest Stones remain in place , keeping with tenacity its separate form ! – What do you see now ? – A terrible clamor rises from the Desert and rises beyond the Dragon : the Stones ask the Incognizable for help against the Lamb , and against the Mother of the Lamb , the Dragon Binah , who has poured Jehovah ' s bleach on them andhas taken away from them the Earth , and intends to burn them in the Desert for not being suitable for the Lamb ' s feed ! – What do you see now ? – A Sign appeared in Heaven : a Virgin , Blacker than Night , and with the moon under her feet , and wearing a Crown of Thirteen Uncreated Stars ! It is the Virgin of Agartha who came to help the Stones , in the Name of the Incognizable ! --What do you see now ? --The descent of the Virgin produces like a cloak of refreshing blackness over the Desert , which had been transformed into a lake of fiery lava , and brings immediate relief to the Stones . The Presence of the Virgin refreshes and hardens back the Stones , because she stands in the way with her darkness before the thousand red-hot eyes of the Dragon ! And the Virgin carries a spike in her hand ; and is dropping the grains on the Desert of Stones ; and the Stones that receive the grain become immune to the Fire of Heaven , can no longer be softened , and remain signalled with a Mark ,