THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 547

The Mistery of Belicena Villca was settling . And the Abominable Sign cooled the Stone of Fire , Aben Esch , and removed it from the End . So , Cohens , the Stone that must be washed with bleach at the end , is the Cold Stone that would not have to be where it is , because it was not put in the Beginning by the One Creator ”. " Cursed Stone , Stone of Scandal , Seed of Stone : They planted it after the Beginning in the Soul of the man of mud and now it is in the Beginning ”.
– Transmutemini de lapidibus in vivos lapides philosophicos ! 70 --I heard Uncle Kurt repeat Magister Dorn ' s words-- . Look in the matrix !
--I see a golden water , an aqua aurens , agitated by countless sparks of light : it is the anima panoptes ! – Put the hearts in the matrix ! Without thinking , I groped for the hat , extracted the slimy organs , and put them through the mouth of the jug . As soon as they sank into the sulfuric acid , an emanation of toxic vapor forced me to withdraw my head : at the opening of the uterus philosophorum for a moment the reddish vapor rose , giving the impression that the liquid had gone into combustion ; however , it soon subsided , and a new glow began to shine from within the jug , this time black . In that moment I could barely notice it because Uncle Kurt wanted me not to look up from the acid and its macabre content , but it was evident that the general morpho-optic manifestation was substantially decreased . --What do you see now ? – he asked from his position . --The starry sky ! Indeed , the acid had changed color and now the jug contained a black liquid , nigredo , which presented a shiny surface illuminated by infinity of fixed scintillae , sparks of light that were the stars of a particular microcosm . – What do you see now ? – he repeated . --The Zodiac ! --Hundreds , thousands of constellations , all the Archetypes of the Universe were in that Heaven ! --What do you see now ? --he insisted . --Two stars that stand out ! Two stars , brighter than all the others , advance and stand in a central place , under the foot of the Virgin of the Spike , close to the Raven ! – What do you see now ? – he inquired . – The constellations seem more alive than ever , the Archetypes vibrate in Heaven , animals of all kinds are getting ready to descend ! I see them and hear their sounds !
In truth , the sound of the celestial animals had become so real , that only when I took my eyes off the matrix for a moment did I understand that indeed , some of them were present around me : I distinguished , shocked , three roars , and that ' s why I directed that momentary glance towards the surroundings ; they were the growl of the pig , the barking of the dog , and the roar of the bear . With growing fear , I then verified that the ectoplasmic clouds that floated over the corpses of Bera and Birsha , had acquired the unmistakable shape of the wild boar : over the corpses of the oriental assassins , two huge white boars , that growled menacingly and displayed on their bodies the thousand eyes of Avalokiteshvara , the thousand eyes of the Anima Mundi , the thousand eyes of The One , the thousand eyes of Purusha . The Daivas dogs had approached , no doubt called by Uncle Kurt , and they seemed to see them smoothly because they barked at them with uncontainable energy .
But the biggest impression I got was when I watched Uncle Kurt . How to explain what I saw ? Just maybe by saying that his shape changed ; that at times it was Uncle Kurt and at times a huge angry bear , a ursus terrificus . But such an explanation would not be entirely correct because , certainly , Uncle Kurt had become a bear-Man : it was Uncle Kurt ' s fury , the Fury of the Warrior Bear , the berserkr gangr , the force that transformed him . I looked for Uncle Kurt with a gaze and I discovered a Berserkr , a Warrior of the Einherjar Order of Wothan , a Hyperborean Initiate in the Vrunes of Navutan . And the gaze returned frightened to the eyes , accompanied by a most violent roar and the rhythmic , almost Ritual movement of his mighty claws . But when speaking ; he was Uncle Kurt again . --What do you see now ? --he demanded . – The two brightest stars have transformed into two twin Wild Boars ! – What do you see now ? – The Wild Boars flee in terror and seek the protection of their Mother , the Dragon of the Universe !
70 Let us transmute ourselves from dead stones into living Philosopher ' s Stones .