THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 546

The Mistery of Belicena Villca an eye of Avalokiteshvara "; " and among all the scintillae there are two that are The One , they are the scintillae ones , the Monads of Bera and Birsha that cannot die ”.
Already chastened by what happened in Santa María , it was just listening to these voices from the Soul , from my own Soul emotionally influenced by the Great Mother , and refer me to the Virgin of Agartha . Yes : I closed my ears as I was able , since I could not do without the great luminositas , and I gave myself to the abduction of the Virgin of the Stone Child , whose spiritual help allowed me to sustain in that terrible moment . According to what happened next , I would have lost my mind without a doubt if She did not support my Spirit from the Origin . Because at that moment , when the quantity and multiplicity of scintillae had reached their highest exaltation , all opened in unison and showed an expressionless eye , an eye that was the same eye repeated insanely in all points in space . All the Nature , all things differentiated , all that I could see and perceive now seethed with expressionless eyes , with ichthyic eyes that undoubtedly looked at us : and those millions of fish eyes , of oculi piscium , were the Eyes of the Merciful that opened to contemplate the Souls of her Beloved Sons , the Souls of Bera and Birsha that were disincarnating in the midst of a great terror .
Think about the scene : in the general form of entities nothing has changed , all are distinguishable and recognizable , all are nameable as always ; the tree , the floor , the house , the sky , the cloud , the bodies , all objects continue being the same ; but now , they also exude with a life seething with Divine eyes , with eyes that look with natural Love . Think of the tree , composed entirely of eyes , and in the house , or in the Sky , also composed of eyes , and think that the thousands of glances from the tree to the house and those from the house to the tree , and those of both to the Sky , are the ties that bind and unite the entities and constitute the superstructure of reality : a structure of objects linked together by the Will of the Creator and the natural Love of the Great Mother .
If you have imagined it , you have to think now that in that scene I found myself , frightened by the omnipresent eyes of Avalokiteshvara , " the all-seeing one ”, and shaken to the root of my feelings , agitated in my emotional nature for the intense Love of the Great Mother , for her unlimited Mercy . So there was first the fascination with scintillae and then the fright of the panoptic ebullition ; and the biggest fright was to see that my own body was made up of millions of compassionate eyes . And this phenomenon , terrible , demential , explains why my hand stopped before taking the hearts from the inside of the bowler hat .
--Neffe ! Arturo ! --Uncle Kurt ' s voice was heard from several meters away-- . I knew this would happen and I know what you are seeing . Do not fear for all is illusion : we can still achieve our goal . Can you hear me ?
--Yes , Uncle Kurt --I replied in a daze-- . I hear you as if your voice was coming from a lot of distance , and I find myself very influenced by this profusion of eyes manifested by nature , by this monster that the World has become .
– Listen to me well , Arturo : you will do exactly what I requested and you will answer my questions . You will tell me what you will see , because here there are no eyes but yours : all the eyes of Avalokiteshvara are illusory , they are projections of your own emotional weakness .
I made an effort and turned to the direction his voice was coming from . I saw millions of bright eyes , I saw that all Reality was still made up of fish eyes , but where Uncle Kurt was , where his eyes should be , I only saw two empty basins , two craters of impenetrable blackness , two windows open to Another World : I let out a cry of horror and turned my gaze forward . --Are you with me , Arturo ? --Uncle Kurt asked unusually . --Yes Uncle Kurt , I answered once more . – You will carry out the Work : I will only put , at the beginning , the Sign of the Origin on the Stone of Fire !
I remembered the words of Birsha in the Letter of Belicena Villca : “ the mortal men , Mud Men , who evolved from the mud , from the Stone of Fire of the Beginning that reflected a monad similar to The One , they would come to be in the end individuals identical to the Stone of Fire , like Metatron , the Celestial Man , the realized Archetype , the Lamb Son of Binah ; they would be like this when the Temple was ready , and each one would take his place in the construction , according to the symbol of the Messiah ; they would be like this in the days when the Kingdom of YHVH was realized on Earth ; and the King Messiah reigned ; and the Shekhinah manifested "... So many eyes ! Yes : that manifestation of Avalokiteshvara , of the Great Mother Binah , was also the Shekhinah , as Zacharias described it : " These optical roots of the Tree of YHVH represent Israel Shekhinah "! At the Beginning of Time , the created man was like a structure of mud ; in the End , it would be like Stone of Fire . Such stones were irreversibly shaped by the Sign of the Origin transforming them into Cold Stone , into Uncreated Stone , as it scandalized the Demons , marking them with the Abominable Sign : " They , engraved the Abominable Sign in the Stone of Fire upon which each Soul of the Mud Men