THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 545

The Mistery of Belicena Villca there he would section the arteries of the heart , which in those Demons was located on the right side of the Body .
-- " Uncle Kurt knew it !" --I discovered , dismayed-- . And to think that I dared to test his Honor ; he not only knew we could fail : he also knew why we could fail . And despite knowing it , he kept quiet to comply with the orders of the Lord of Venus . I remembered Captain Kiev ' s warning : “ when finishing the operation they will only see what they did not contemplate at the beginning , but that if they had seen it at the beginning it would prevent them from completing the operation ”. Avalokiteshvara , She was what I had not contemplated at first , since if I would have assumed that her Mercy would help the Demons overcome their panic . I wouldn ' t have launched Operation Boomerang ! And Uncle Kurt had understood then , he who complained of not understanding anything , but he had kept quiet because he knew how much I wanted to attack the Demons . That ' s why he made me buy the sulfuric acid without giving me further explanations : he also had a theory ; he knew an alchemistic way of neutralizing the protection of the Great Mother Binah ; or he knew how to keep the Demon ' s panic . Right away I would know what the answer was .
On sulfuric acid , he only told me that it " attaches the organic matter in Saturn ": " by introducing the heart , seat of the Soul , in the sulfuric acid , we are constellating the Soul on Saturn , placing it at the beginning of the Universe and contributing to its involutional regression ”. According to plan , I was in charge of putting the hearts in the jug of acid . But now I presumed that that recommendation pointed to another objective , in addition to the one declared by Uncle Kurt .
I set the jug on the threshold of the door and uncapped it ; I took the bowler hat , which had just received the second heart , and I placed it next to it ; and not without some disgust , I prepared to take the diabolical organs . It was then when I stopped fascinated , and then I was paralyzed with horror .
It is written : " the hearts belong to Avalokiteshvara ". The heart of the animal-man , of the Man of Mud , receives the protection of the Great Mother Binah through the Intellegentia of YHVH ; and her twilight consciousness , receives more light through the Sapientia of the Great Father Chokhmah .
Chapter XIV
Like I said , I was going to take the human hearts of Bera and Birsha , when I stopped fascinated : the cause was the scintilla luminis , or sparks of light , which began to sprout from them . Thousands of sparks that jumped in all directions , now turning in a circle , now in a spiral , or tracing bright curves of capricious shape , prevented me from distinguishing the bottom of the hat , and even the hat itself . Fascinated by the spectacle , enchanted , perhaps spellbound , I accidentally remembered the definition of the Alchemist Khunrath ; they are , he said , " Scintillae Animae Mundi igneae , Luminis nimirum Naturae ”, that is , “ they are Igneous Sparks of the Soul of the World , Lights that are evidenced in Nature ”. Such scintillae always accompany the phases of Alchemy ; and in that moment all the elements of the opus were present : in the Cabinet of Nature , there was the prima materia of the hearts ; the Sulfur Philosophorum ' s aqua permanens ; and Mercury , the great Artifex transmutator , was present , that is , Uncle Kurt Shivatulku , representative of Wothan , who is Hermes , and who is Mercury .
Spinning in a hypnotic whirlwind , the scintillae luminis were covering my field of vision . Golden sparks were now pouring out from everywhere and streaking across space until extinguished , a space strangely devoid of wind and sounds , as if the whole of Nature was entertained in manifesting its lumen naturae . I looked away from the bowler hat and the jug of acid , invisible under the luminous spring and , semi-anesthetized , I looked all around : scintillae seemed to arise from the whole world . From the house , from the ground , from the trees that I did not see before , but that stood ten steps away , from all things a flickering golden aura emerged , composed of myriads of scintillae luminis . Or did that vision signify the sudden activity of a new sense , that made it possible to perceive the Anima Mundi , a luminositas sensus naturae ?
But a bigger luminositas caught my attention . On the corpses of the oriental assassins , in effect , were beginning to rise two clouds of ectoplasmic vapor , also glittering due to the emission and absorption of thousands of scintillae ; At a meter high , those clouds kept spinning in a spiral , and constantly feeding on the milky vapor that emanated from the pools of blood . As in a painting from the Impressionist school , as in a work of Henri Matisse , I saw the Reality decomposed into millions of color points , sparks of light that swirled in the shape of the elementum primordiale and of the massa confusa , of the chaos naturae . With the vision saturated by the hive of scintillae , I felt that internally , and irrationally , a voice was speaking to me ; it said : " Yod , Yod , every scintillae is yod ,