THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 544

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Uncle Kurt landed , whose feet were at all times one meter higher than mine : I repeat that I traveled " hanging " from his waist .
But as soon as I regained my stability , I let go of Uncle Kurt and grabbed the Itaka . I still had not finished orientating and I obeyed a gesture of his that indicated me to bend over . Quickly , everything went making sense to me : we were hiding behind a huge black car . The car of the oriental assassins !
Uncle Kurt signaled with a finger over the mouth to be quiet , and then he pointed ahead , past the car . I peeked over the hood and sighted a house no more than thirty steps away , shedding profuse light towards the exterior blackness through a row of three lateral windows . Apparently the car was parked parallel to the corner of the house , which allowed us to dominate , in addition to the windows on one side , the entrance door located in the other . The door , closed , was situated on a plane of forty-five degrees to the left ; and that ' s where we should get to .
Undoubtedly , we had the surprise factor . The dogs had pressed to the ground like snakes , mentally commanded by Uncle Kurt , and there they would stay . We were going to advance towards the door , to begin the attack , when a human cry , a strident scream of pain , nailed us to the spot : inside they were tormenting someone ! So then we ran to the door as quietly as possible .
And as we got closer , a pungent , sweet odor was what first caught our attention . It was a fragrance like an aromatic smoke of sandalwood or incense and it looked so out of place there that we looked at each other perplexed . We both immediately recognized that perfume for having perceived it previously , in different and dramatic circumstances : Uncle Kurt , in the Tibetan valley of The Pitch ; and I in Belicena Villca ' s cell , the night of her death . But this only lasted a moment because what came next concentrated all of our attention .
Chapter XIII
But it was clear that those would not be ordinary human beings . Halfway , when we had not yet separated from the plane of the door and we weren ' t fully visible from it , it was suddenly opened to leave way to two men of enormous physical build . One jumped out and the other remained on the threshold : contrasted by the interior light , we had in front of us the two Oriental Gentlemen , impeccably dressed in their English suits of fine tailoring .
The first to come out was Bera , holding a handle with two balloons , the fatal Dordje . He instantly raised the gun towards Uncle Kurt , as his face was decomposing with terror . I understood that the human Demon wasn ' t seeing Uncle Kurt but the Sign of the Origin , the Absolute Truth of the Spirit that dissolved the Essential Lie of his own illusory existence .
Despite everything , he was still going to shoot the deadly ray , but Uncle Kurt was faster . Running , barely aiming , he pulled the trigger once ; and it was enough . The shot struck Bera in the middle of the chest , lifted him a meter high , and threw him several meters beyond . Simultaneously , I who was not exactly a professional commando , stopped , aimed , and fired twice , impacting the stomach and the chest of the Demon Birsha . The eighteen ammunitions wisely disseminated by that magnificent weapon , crushed Birsha against the door frame without giving him any time .
– Soon ! – Uncle Kurt yelled , seeing that I had remained immobile , resisting to believe that it was all over-- . Soon , prepare the acid , Arturo ! Hurry , before Avalokiteshvara manifests !
--Avalokitesh ...? --I asked , surprised-- . Gods ! Avalokiteshvara , the Merciful ! That was the flaw in my plan that we were veiledly warned about by Captain Kiev ! I had forgotten Avalokiteshvara , now I saw clearly , and that forgetfulness could make my plan fail , even cost us our lives ! The Great Mother would never allow two of her best children to be destroyed ; not if She could prevent it ; that was just one of her cosmic functions : protect her animal-men children , calm the fear of their Souls ! And if She could remove the fear of Bera and Birsha , even to tone it down , my whole plan would crumble like a house of cards ! We might even suffer a counterattack from the Demons , already recovered , who then would know in which world to find us !
Evaluating these possibilities paralyzed me . I laboriously untied the ropes and lowered the jug of acid from my back . Uncle Kurt displaying extraordinary ability , had already extracted Bera ' s heart , leaving in its place a horrible hole through which flowed abundant blood , which formed a pool around his corpse . He put the steaming heart inside the bowler hat , which floated on the blood like a grotesque replica of Charon ' s boat , and quickly fell on the lifeless body of Birsha . With accurate cuts of the mountain knife , sharp as a razor , he went cutting the vest of fine English cashmere and the no less valuable shirt of Chinese silk ; at the moment of reaching the flesh , he made a deep central incision , which he would then enlarge to expose the end of the ribs and the thoracic cavity : from