THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 543

The Mistery of Belicena Villca will have to focus your attention all the time on me : not for a second can you distract yourself because you would run the risk of separating from me and getting lost in one of the innumerable Worlds of Illusion that we will cross ”. " Once out of the usual context of our life , the only way that we both continue together , coinciding in Time and Space , is to keep between us a volitional nexus : and that ' s what you will do by keeping me under visual and tactile contact ”.
It seemed as if we were already leaving , and I started to take him by the waist as soon as he moved , but he turned to me again to make recommendations . Do you keep your shotgun handy ? As soon as you set foot in the Farm you must let go and take the gun ! – Yes , uncle , yes . – Neffe Arturo ? – he called me in a different tone , strangely affectionate . – Yes , Uncle Kurt . – Perhaps this is the last time we see each other . I don ' t want to be pessimistic , but just in case , let ' s say goodbye here .
--Nooo , no --I exclaimed in horror , trying to drive away the negative thoughts . After what happened to my family , I couldn ' t think without trembling at the prospect of losing Uncle Kurt as well . Nothing bad will happen to us , dear Uncle Kurt , the triumph is certain ! we will be like the boomerang that returns to the hands of the one who threw it , returns his blow , and stops !
But my arguments were worthless . Uncle Kurt had already turned completely and hugged me effusively .
– Goodbye neffe --he said to me with nostalgia-- . Life gave us no chance of getting to know us better . However , it was very good to have you in Santa María those months . You restored my faith in the Hyperborean Wisdom by bringing the answers that I waited for 35 years . Now I will risk my last strengths in the most demential of all the missions I ' ve ever been commissioned . And this too is necessary for the Führer ' s Strategy ; as always , I don ' t understand why , but I know that it is so . Goodbye Neffe Arturo : we ' ll see each other at the end ; at the end of Operation Boomerang or when the Final Battle is waged .
I got a lump in my throat ; I didn ' t have the courage to say goodbye to him . I just hugged him tightly . However , Uncle Kurt was still the same old hardheaded . – Let ' s go , then --he proposed-- . Just remember that whatever happens , I will not stray from the only principle that I understand . – Yes ; I already know , Uncle Kurt ; by Wothan , don ' t repeat it to me anymore ! " the Immortals cannot die ”!
It would be 7:45 on March 26 , 1980 , and it was already quite dark in Cerrillos . Uncle Kurt gave the first order to Ying and Yang and instantly the phenomenon began to occur : slowly , they levitated upwards the Daivas dogs and Uncle Kurt , who seemed to have an effective foothold under his feet . Such a point of support was not enough for me , and that is why I hastened to take hold of his waist , literally hanging in space , without any base , and observing that Uncle Kurt bent over , accusing my dead weight .
The ascent lasted a few seconds , until I lost track of the altitude . In the meantime , I managed to see out of the corner of my eye the tops of the lapacho trees , the roofs of the Farm , and , in a screenshot , the town of Cerrillos , artificially illuminated by the street lamps . We were not moving uniformly , but the climb accelerated as we gained height . In a given moment , Uncle Kurt , beyond Kula and Akula , materialised the complex mental orders and the Daivas dogs , without stopping their movement , performed the svipa-Lung flight . The order from the Eternal Spirit had the effect of a whiplash and , not only for the Daivas dogs : I felt it too ; and I verified the power , the terrible power that is capable of demonstrating a Hyperborean Initiate , a Man God .
If I had to refer to time , I would say that the flight through Time and Space did not last more than a second . However , that sinking into the most impenetrable blackness did not convey a sense of temporality but of eternity , of being out of life and death , and of all go by .
After that instant without time , in which without any doubt I experienced the impression of a jump , began a decelerated descent , during which I again distinguished the usual objects , skies , mountains , houses , trees , lights . The journey thus consisted of three phases : one , of accelerated ascent , with permanent perception of the sky and stars ; the second , of the proper svadi-Lung jump , in which I lacked all contextual vision , except for Uncle Kurt ; and the third , of a decelerated descent , in which I reassuringly found above me the cosmic womb of the starry sky .
It would be 10 or 11 p . m . on March 22 , 1980 , when my feet touched the ground of the Farm of Belicena Villca , in Tafí del Valle . I stepped on solid ground and yet my knees loosened a bit , until